Chapter 62

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One evening, Klair relaxed as he watch the flames of the fire. The men were teasing each other while Rosla helped Emson make soup. He sighed contentedly as he watched the happy exchange.

We're like family. Bejja taught us how.

With the help of Emson, Klair was learning how to instruct the men of The Whistler without feeling so self-conscious. He was learning how to evaluate the pros and cons of a plan.

Koddi's lessons in combat increased in intensity leaving him winded and bruised but gaining confidence. Even more valuable was learning the importance of planning against an opponent. He was improving his mind and body, in spite of the frequent times of being pounded into the dirt by his instructor.

He still couldn't shield through magic. Why not?

Several of the men were playing Slides around the fire, reminding Klair of his visits with friends back in Merrsain. His mother never liked the chance game. Strange, those days seemed so innocent now.

"Guess I'll take a break."

Rosla working at the backboard of the wagon paused in her cutting of potatoes. Her gaze questioned him if she should accompany him.

He shook his head. "I'll talk to you later." Many of the group nodded, accustomed to Klair's frequent walks in solitude of the forest and they returned to the banter of old friends. He moved through the trees lining the northern road to Merrsain. Soon they would be in familiar territory. His mind burned with unanswered resolution.

What did I do to shield myself when I fell out of the tree?

Duplicate the situation, Emson said but how?

Klair obviously done something, instinctively, but he couldn't remember what. He only recalled he panicked. Should he put himself in danger, real danger again, where if he didn't shield I could die? That would be stupid... But the plan had merit. He could remember the emotion after the act and as he wouldn't be knocked out, then from that he should be able to repeat the process when he wasn't panicked right?

Staying close to the road was the safest in such dense forest as there were bears and lions in the area that wouldn't mind easy prey, like an idiot wizard, Klair thought.

What choice did he have? He should be able to avoid potential challenges by the quick movement of levitation. He was getting pretty good at that. He could blast something when sufficiently provoked. I always could do that. He knew of no way to contend against his syphon of warm or hot water. He'd never get close to hot water until he learned how to stop it from hurting him. The remaining problem was his inability to shield.

The next time Klair saw Trenny, he would obliterate him.

A bird shrieked as it erupted from a nearby bush and Klair grimaced at the volume. With all the magic he'd been throwing around, he normally would have had six-days of insomnia. The Sheenay let him sleep normally each night. Nesting was only way to combat enhanced senses.

There had to be a better answer.

His heart quickened as he imagined the corpse of his enemy sprawled before him and the ghost of Bejja giving a cheer. A new thought surfaced. Learn to shield and you could prevent water from ever hitting you and you gain two skills at the same time.

He smiled. He had to put himself into danger, intentionally. 

He continued through the woods with new purpose knowing from a map of the area that a ravine rested only a short distance away from camp and could offer caves which in turn could be occupied by bears or lions. Provoke one and he'd have no choice but to defend himself.

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