Chapter 74

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The beat of the water against the boat woke him. Klair groaned as he shifted against the hard wood deck beneath him. He felt a supporting hand on his arm, but he jerked it off.

His anger fueled his efforts to force himself up into a sitting position. His body was bone weary, muscles strained from the previous spasms. His eyes were burning in remembered fury. Campe sat opposite him in the boat. The night held no moons, so the darkness was intense. The little water in the boat reported that it had rained.

With Klair being unconscious and having already lost his magic, it hadn't mattered.

He could not see the expression on the other's face.

"You idiot, take us over to shore. The river could kill me!" Even as he said it, he knew he would be useless even on shore. He wouldn't be able to travel for he could barely sit up, let alone attempt to walk. Weakness still consumed him and his clothes were still damp from the attack and the rain. It would take several days before his strength would return. He needed to get fully dry.

He had no desire to continue his associa­tion with his rescuer.

He searched for the shoreline but it was too dark to see details. The boat was moving in in a fast current.

Campe remained where he was staring back at his companion. "You're welcome, for saving your life." he said calmly. "Had I not intervened, you would be heading north, right now. It looked to me like you were not interested in being employed by the Seiun."

His rescuer was obviously unwilling to fulfill Klair's demands.

Klair did not press the issue. Not yet at least. They were here, and they were traveling away from their pursuers. That was the most important thing for now. "Why did you help me?"

"Does there need to be a reason?"

"Yes, there is always a reason. What do you want?"

"What do you expect me to want?"

Klair clutched at The Whistler's crest that hung from a chain strung beneath his shirt. "If it's money it will require a visit to the next town before I can—"

"It's not money."

"Then what?"

"What else do you have to offer?"

"Money—That I will give you just as soon—"

"And if I do not seek that?"

"You sound like a philosopher. If you're looking for someone with whom to delve into the mysteries of life, I'm not interest­ed. One of my mother's suitors was a philosopher. He was useless so, I am not interested in your pretty words."

"Would you deny you needed my help?"

"My eternal devotion, is that what you want?"

"From you? Is such a thing even possible?"

Klair leaned against the edge of the boat, looking up in the bright star field above them. There were wisps of cloud in front of a bright sea of stars. The storm had moved on.

Glancing around the confines of the boat he noted two storage boxes. Hopefully the boat was fully outfitted. They were fortunate to choose this boat over others when they made their escape. Perhaps the crates had motivated Campe to choose this boat over the others tied to the pier.

"Where are we going?"

Campe hesitated.

Klair stared at him suspiciously.

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