Chap. 3

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"Welcome back to GMW Truth or Dare!" Abby says walking onto the stage. The crowd cheers. "Today we have a truth from @jenny_Matthews!" The crowd cheers at the only name that has given them truths and dares. "So, she wants Farkle here does she? Oi Farkle! Get your butt up here!" Abby teases.

The crowd laughs and cheers as Farkle steps up on the stage and sits down across from Abby. "Thank you FarkleNation!" He says putting his hands in the air.

"All right, now, Farkle, do you like Maya more then Riley?"Abby asks smiling. Farkle shakes his head. "No, I love them both equally and they are both my princesses, no, Riley's my princess and Maya is a woman-knight who is very interesting, and clever, and cool, and-" Abby cuts him off "Aha! You do like her more!"

Farkle blushes. "I'm just gonna go now" he slips away from the fans who are yelling 'markle' and 'faya' at him.

"Well people, unfortunately thats it for the day, you'll have to wait!" Abby says smiling. "Don't forget to send in your Truthsand Dares!" She erges the crowd. "Thank you and goodnight!"

☆♡Thank You♡☆
《Sorry It Was Short》
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