Chap. 4

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"Welcome back to GMW Truth or Dare!" Abby says walking on stage. "Tonight, we have a dare from @TasmiaC6304!" The crowd cheers. "She says, that Lucas has to shout to the world he loves Riley!" Abby laughs and makes a mega mega mega mega mega mega mega mega mega mega mega mega megaphone.

Lucas laughs and grabs the mega (x12) megaphone. He clears his hroat which sounds like thunder through the megaphone and begins.

"I. LOVE. RILEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Eveybody screamed and covered their ears. Abby grinned and turned on a tv she had just made appear.

"Breaking news, all across the world people have heard the words, 'I love Riley' at the same time, investigators are tryin to figure out where it came from, and back to you Phil"

Everybody started laughing and Lucas and Riley hugged.

"Thats it for today! Don't forget to send in some Truths and Dares!" Abby yelled above the cheering crowd. "Goodnight!" She yelled as the curtains closed.

☆♡Thank You♡☆
《Sorry It Was Short》
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