Chap. 6- oh wait!

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"Welcome back to G-" Abby was cut off by a bunch of boos by the crowd. Suddenly the tv popped up.

Abby Melanie ISN'T a Melanie! Her name is Abby SPINNER! She is lying! Let's throw her out!

Abby Melanie? Nope she is all spinner! A sneaky little spider spinning her web!

Abby looked alarmed and tried to edge off the stage. The imagined hot football players that played as guards dragged her back. Abby huffed as they set her on her feet.

"Okay okay so I am not a Melanie, I am a white girl. And, nobody should be judged on their skin tone! Or if their a blonde or no- not all blonde's are dumb and I c-" she was cut off once again.

"STOP CHANGING THE SUBJECT GOSH!" said some angry fangirl in the crowd.

Abby grumblee something and then made a run for it. Fortunately, the hot football players were to busy checking out the snobby cheerleaders (ticket girls) to notice her.

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