Chapter 1

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I'm Ashton Irwin, a 21 year old who is running his own record business. I sells vinyl, CD's and iTunes gift card vouchers. I get a lot of elders coming in to his store looking at some of the old vinyls and reminiscing about the time when they were young. I also get a lot of girls around my age coming into his store but the thing is that they're not there to buy anything, they're there because of me. A cute giggle, muscles, soft wavy hair. Who wouldn't want to see that if I do say so myself? But the thing is that there's one thing they don't know and that one thing is that I, Ashton Irwin am as straight as a boiled noodle. Yep. I am gay.

I was busy stacking more CD's on the rack while in deep though when suddenly the little bell next to the door rung. So I turned my head towards the door and a group of teenage girls came bursting though the door talking and giggling.

Ugh, here we go again

The girls looked at me while they walked over to the CD rack full of Blondie. Looking at them, I could tell that they weren't the type of girls who liked listening to Blondie, they just wanted my attention.

Doing my job, I politely walked over to the girls taking long, calm steps. I stood a fair distance away from them. Like usual I notice that they were looking at me through the corner of their eyes.

I clear my throat then start to speak. "Excuses me ladies, do you need any help?" I ask already knowing what's going happen.

"Oh um no thank you" the brunette girl says while twirling her finger around in her somewhat dry, straw-ish hair. This has happened many times before. I'm just standing here unamused while I watch the 3 girls giggle.

I force a fake smile then I finally walk away back to what I was doing. I stand on the mini ladder to get to the higher shelves when I heard some chatter on the other side of the store. After a few seconds, I hear some annoying clicking of heels getting closer and closer to me. Just what I didn't want to happen.

"Excuse me" the girl with the bleach blonde hair says. "I was wondering what type of bands you would recommend listening to?" She asked in a high pitched whining voice.

"Well..." I said hopping off the mini ladder that was then followed by a long sigh. "Some of my favourites are Panic! At The Disco, Fall Out Boy, My Chemical Romance, Nirvana and Green Day".

The blonde girl stared at me in confusion not knowing any of those bands. I just rolled my eyes and sighed but the blonde girl obviously didn't care at all and still looked hopeful in getting my number. "My name is--" I cut her off as I started walking away. As usual, the blonde followed me hoping to get something out of this. She was following right behind me when I suddenly stopped almost causing her to crash into me. I pointed to a bunch of CD's and walked away.

It was the same thing that happened almost every second day but soon enough the girls gave me one last look and finally left me in peace.

I walked back to behind the counter deciding to keep stacking the CD's later. A few people walked past the store and pointing through the window at some posters hung up all over the wall.

It was nearing lunch so I decided to leave the store for a bit to go get some lunch. I pulled out my trusty phone to see if I had any texts and not surprisingly I had one, well actually a few, from my best mate Luke Hemmings.

Luke: Hey ash

Luke: Ash

Luke: Mate you there :-(

Ash: Yeah man I'm here

Ash: Oh look who's not here now

Luke: You on break?

Sounds Good Feels Good // Mashton: auWhere stories live. Discover now