Chapter 4

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I opened the door and there he was. Ashton Irwin. The guy I've been wanting to work with for such a long time. I notice he's hair is messed up just as he runs his left hand through his hair.

Is it wrong to say that my boss looks so perfect standing there? Cause he definitely looks perfect in this moment. I wish I could just take a picture of him but that'd be a bit creepy.

Ashton extends his arm towards me, holding the piece of paper between his fingers. I extend my arm and gently take hold of the piece of paper. "Thank you so much. I was going crazy trying to find this." I say cause I truly am grateful as I shove the note into my pocket.

Don't jump straight to conclusions ok. I do NOT have a crush on Ashton. In no way do I think of him in that way. He is my boss and that would be just wrong and I don't intend on anything happening between us. He is a great looking human being and that's all.

"Well I better get going." Ashton said.

"Oh yeah. Ok. I'll see you tomorrow then." I replied.

"Yeah. Be there at 9. Cya." Ashton reminded me.

"Yep sure will." I said as I waved him goodbye. I closed the door and walked over to the bed. I looked at myself in the mirror and noticed my hair was messy the whole time. He must have thought I looked horrible.

I pull the note out of my pocket and sit down on the side of the bed next to the phone. I look at the note deciding if I should ring the number or not. I've got to ring it at sometime so I may as well do it now.

I pick up the phone and dial the number. Then I just sit and wait for someone to pick up.

"Hello." Someone on the other side says. He has a strong Irish accent which is strange cause last time I talked to this person his accent was British. I've never met up with this person so I wouldn't know if there's more than one of them. Maybe he changes his accent so nobody will recognise who it is. But whoever this person is, he's not a person you want to mess with.

I've been doing this for a few years now. I remember they threatened me saying they'll kill me and my family if I don't do what they ask. Of course I said yes. I don't want my family to die. I don't know if he's lying or not but I'm not going to take that chance. I could go to the police but I know they're watching everything I do so I just do as they say. "Uhh hi it's me Michael Clifford." I reply.

"Do you have it?" He asks. What he means is do I have the money that was asked for? They ask for large amounts of money so what's the best way to get it? Selling drugs. But I do have to pay for the drugs so I have to pay twice as much for everything. I also need money for food and finish paying off the apartment. By now I'm struggling with money so that's why I needed the job.

"No no I'm so sorry I don't have the money but please give me an extension. Im begging you! Please." I plead.

"Now Michael, you know what happens when you don't deliver on time." He says in an evil voice.

"N-no sir. I don't." I answer. My voice is shaky. I don't want my family killed or hurt in any way. How do I know he won't come after me instead? I guess I'll just find out later.

"Well I'll just say watch your back and try not to get killed. Oh and I still want the money by the end of the week." And with that, he hung up.

There's no way I'll be getting any sleep tonight. It's already 11pm and I have work tomorrow. I can't be late. I don't want to be fired on my first day.

I walk to the wardrobe and put my pyjamas on. I walk back to the bed and hide under the covers. When I'm scared I always hide under the covers. It's a thing I used to do when I was a kid and thought that if someone or something came into my room to kill me then the blankets would protect me. I still do it because I'm just used to it now.

Sounds Good Feels Good // Mashton: auWhere stories live. Discover now