Chapter 10

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--- 3 months later ---

Not much has happened in the past few months which is good. Michael and I have stayed out of trouble and we get treated fairly. I'm not complaining. I'd still like to get out of here as soon as humanly possible. I want to see my friends and my family again. I miss them all. I miss my job. I wonder what has happened to the store. Surely it can't be fixed cause I'm not there to tell them how to fix it. So I guess at the moment it's really just a thing for people to stare at while walking past, isn't it?

Moriarty has been acting a little nicer towards us. That happened ever since that thing happened with the computer. I wonder who that was. Whoever it is, Moriarty is clearly scared of him... or her. I want to find out who it is.

I think Michael is depressed. I don't blame him. If I was in his position I would be too. Some might say I am in his position but really I'm not. I just got dragged along for being at the right place at the wrong time.

The food here is terrible. Cold toast for breakfast, some mush for lunch and a bit of fruit for dinner. I'm not complaining about the fruit though. It's nice. I can feel my body getting weaker even thought I try to exercise everyday. I blame the amount of food we get. If we got more food that was better for us then I'd feel fine.

I wonder how Luke and Cal are. Are they trying to find me? Probably not. Why? Cause they're lazy and probably think I'm distancing myself from them. Maybe they saw the store and realised something was wrong. I doubt it. Anyway, if they did they wouldn't be able to contact me which is really another big hint that something isn't right. Who knows what goes on in their head. I certainly don't know.

I have to get out of here. I'm eventually going to go crazy. It's like there's no enter or exit door. No fire escape. Nothing. All the fences are surrounded but guards. One of Moriarty's helpers have the key and I don't know which one it is. Speaking of his helpers, they're actually quite nice people. I get along with them. I talk to them fairly often I guess cause Michael isn't talking much anymore. I wish there was something I could do to help him.

I still don't know where this place is. I'd really like to know where I am.

"Hey, Mikey," I say, breaking the silence. "How are you feeling today?" I ask him just like I do everyday and everyday I get the same response. A bunch of mumbles which I can't understand but I don't want to question what he says because I don't know if it'll frustrate him and make him mad. So instead I don't say anything back. I let him sit in his corner everyday and I mind my own business even thought it's kind of hard since we do have to share the same cell.


I've given up all hope on ever being released. It feels like I've been in here for years. Stuck in the same room for too long. I need to get out. I have to get out. It seems like making a run for it is the best option even if I get shot. At least if I do get shot I have a fairly good chance of being killed which will free me. I don't want to think of that but I can't help it. I don't know how Ashton does it. How is he so calm? How does he keep himself together? All I want to do is cry but crying won't solve anything.

Why did I let this happen? I wish I was able to pay Moriarty on time. I miss my family. I hope they're ok. I miss music a lot. No music for about 3 months is a sad life to live and unfortunately I'm living it.

Sounds Good Feels Good // Mashton: auWhere stories live. Discover now