Chapter 8

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Just as a gun shot goes off, I'm grabbed from behind by someone with their hand over my mouth as they pull behind the building. I'm pushed against the wall and come face to face with Moriarty, his eyes starting back at me intently. In the background I can hear Ashton's faint voice calling for me.

"I'm going to remove my hand now and when I do you're not going to make any noise. Is that clear?" Jim asks. I don't know what will happen if I do make any noise so I nod my head. Jim slowly takes away his hand and when he realised I don't make any sound he sighs with relief.

Moriarty looks at me with pleading eyes "You need to come with me or you won't like what happens if you don't."

He slowly backs away and starts walking towards the back of the building. Eventually I get up off the wall and follow him to wherever he's going.

I catch up to Jim to find him standing in front of an old red rusty door. He puts his hand in his pocket and pulls out a bunch of keys. Surprisingly he puts the correct key in the door in the first try. He opens the door but it doesn't make any noise. Maybe this is one of the only doors they take care of.

As soon as I'm inside, the door is shut behind me and locked so I can't go anywhere. Zayn suddenly appears out of the shadow and handcuffs me. "Just in case." He tells me which I completely understand. If I was him I'd do the same.

Moriarty makes a hand gesture telling me to follow him. I start walking behind him but keeping my distance with Zayn behind me. The floor is actually really shiny and I can see my reflection nicely, not that I'd want to. My hair looks horrible, not just because it's messy but because of the colour they dyed it, I have a black eye and a couple of scratched over my face. I must be a sight for sore eyes. 

We continue walking down the hall passing doors with people behind them that are screaming to be let out. They all look so terrible I wish I could help but in all honestly I'll probably just end up like them. A complete mess. I'm already half way there with my looks.

Eventually we stop at the end of the hall and Moriarty pulls out his keys again and using the correct key again to unlock the door. He steps to the side waiting for me walk in. It's a completely dark room except for the small amount of light coming from somewhere in there. It doesn't look very welcoming but I still walk in there anyway because I'm afraid of what he'll do if I don't.

Again, once Zayn and I are in he locks the door. He leads me to a small room with only a desk, chair and computer. "Now Michael," Jim says as he sits down on the desk "you are very important to us. Do you wanna know why? Well to bad if you do cause you're not going to find out." Moriarty says with a smile.

At this point I'm very confused. He kidnapped me for not paying him and I thought that was the end of it but now there's more. Great that's just what I need. "A lot of people don't actually know that you've been kidnapped. Actually, nobody knows you've been kidnapped and that's why it's important for you to keep your social media up to date so no one suspects anything."

Right, ok that seems pretty straight forward and easy. "Come come sit down." Jim says pointing to the chair. Zayn takes my handcuffs off and gives me a slight nudge to move. I walk over to the chair and sit down. Looks like Jim knows what he's doing. If you're going to kidnap someone and you don't want them to know about it then one of the best things to do is to keep their social media up to date.

The computer finally turns on and I log into my Twitter account first. "Remember don't give any hints about what's actually going on. If I see even the slightest clue that you're trying to send a secret message then I'll type everything myself." Jim says. I tell everyone that I'll be away for a while and don't know when I'll be back on. I lie and say it's got something to do with my internet. Next I do the same on my Facebook account and tumblr. That should cover everything. I can't do much about my snapchat or Instagram account but I guess they'll eventually find out through Twitter, Facebook or tumblr anyway.

Just as I'm about to turn off the computer, some writing on the screen appears. "What's going on? What'd you do?" Moriarty says, his voice getting slightly louder as he gets angrier thinking it's my fault.

Now I'm not an expert with computers or anything but I'm pretty sure it's some sort of code. Suddenly the screen goes completely black. I think it turned off but the speaker goes all crackly like as if someone is trying to speak through it. Whoever it is must have some pretty good skills to get this far. I'm impressed.

Moriarty stands up quickly and frustrated. "Call the technician!" Jim tells Zayn. Jim gives Zayn the keys and he's out the door faster than anyone I've ever seen.

Zayn comes back before I can even blink. He's either got super speed or the technician wasn't very far. My guess is the technician wasn't far but I'd like to think Zayn has super speed.

The technician sits down at the computer and starts typing to try and do whatever he's trying to do. The computer turns on but by the look on his face it's not what he wanted to happen. I take a closer look at the screen. "Don't do anything stupid." The voice says through the speakers. This person must be using something to cover up his voice. Smart.

I then realise what's on the screen. It's Ashton through the security camera with his hands up like he's surrendering but he's not alone. Behind him is, I'm guessing, a guy pointing a gun at his head. On the seat next to him is someone else who possibly looks like a girl but I'm not quite sure. I'm guessing that person is only there in case something doesn't go to plan.

"You don't want your little, or should I say tall, friend to get hurt do you?" The voice says in a sarcastic sympathetic voice. I can just imagine behind the screen has making a fake crying face.

Instantly the screen turns red and some white writing appears on the screen. I hear the technician mutter "no no no" under his breath. This can't be good whatever it is. "We need to get out of here NOW!" He yells the last part. "ITS GONNA BLOW!" He yells as he runs for the door. We all follow after him. We run down the hall and away from that room.

When we get halfway down the hall we hear the computer blow up. That was a close one. But who are these people? These oh so talented people. The crackling of the speakers throughout the entire building interrupt my thought. "You'll never escape us Jim Moriarty. We will always be coming for you." He ends with a menacing laugh that will forever haunt me. But more importantly what has Moriarty done? I think that question can be answered another time though since we need to get to Ashton.

"We need to see if Ashton is ok." I tell Jim. Realisation hits him and he starts running towards the side door. The same door I went through earlier today.

We burst through the door and thank god Ashton is still there in one piece.

I run up to him and hug him as if it were the last time I was going to hug him. "I thought they were going to kill you." I say.

"Kill me? They'd never do anything to hurt this adorable face." Ashton jokes. "I'm just glad that you're ok." Ashton says seriously.

"Me too but who were they?" I have to ask.

"You're asking me as if I've met them before." He replies.

Moriarty clears his throat. "You seem to have forgotten that they're here for me and that I know who they are." He says with a disappointed look on his face, almost as if he's sorry for dragging everyone here into this mess. "I know what I need to do and everyone needs to stay out of it." Jim says as he walks away.

So what now? We just sit here until everything is fixed? What if it never gets fixed?

The silence gets slightly awkward between us and I need to say something. "Ok getting rid of the elephant in the room, what where those two people like?" I ask.

"Well they were short for starters" Ashton laughs "or maybe I'm just tall. They were both guys that's for sure but that's about it. They didn't really talk to me except to tell me not to move and what not." Ashton finishes.

"Now let's see if Moriarty can get us all out of this mess that he's created." I say.

Ashton and I both have the same idea of laying down on the grass and watching the clouds go by until we get let back it. Finally and nice and relaxing moment I can enjoy.
This update didn't take 17 years but no promises that the next update will be any quicker.

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Comment who you would like a POV of I'll try my best to fit it in somewhere maybe.

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