Chapter 5

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I hear an ear piercing shattering sound and noticed all the windows now lying in pieces on the floor. Just great. I'm gonna have to pay for that now. But the burning question it what the hell is going on right now?

"MICHAEL...?" I yell out as loud as I can. No answer. Did he leave me here to deal with whatever is coming next? Oh god I hope not. I hear shuffling behind me. It sounds like it's coming from the back room. Did someone get in? Am I going to die here? Will I be held a prisoner or some secret organisation?

Just as I start to turn around, I feel an arm around me and the other hand over my mouth. I try hitting him anywhere I have access to but that seems to do nothing so I start trying to scream. It's no use. Whatever is going to happen to me will happen because I can't fight for myself.

With enough force, I've been shoved into the back room and this person is no longer holding onto me. "Ashton, Ashton are you ok? Did I hurt you? Are you hurt? Shit!" I looked up and saw Michael standing there all red with worry, running his fingers through his neon red hair while pacing up and down this small room.

"I'm fine but who did this and why!?" I demanded.

"Long story short, I own this guy some money and I didn't pay on time and now they're after me as my punishment." Michael replied quickly.

"YOU WHAT!?" I yell in surprise. This is something I was not expecting. I just sit on the floor in silence not knowing what else to say.

"Look I'm sorry but right now we have to get out of here without getting killed." Michael said, waving his arms around.

I calm myself down by taking deep breaths. "Ok fine. So what's the plan?" I ask.

"Well there are 3 big black I'm guessing armoured vehicles out the front and maybe 1 at the back. In each vehicle there's maybe 5 to 7 people with weapons and explosives. Now we could either fight against them but there's no way I could do that and you couldn't even fight me off you so you have no hope." Michael said in a fast but clear voice. This better work cause I still have my whole life ahead of me. I have no idea who these people are or what they're capable of and I don't want to find out. I already know they're not afraid of destroying any building in public and the police have probably never heard or seen them before or they wouldn't be doing this right now.

"Then how do we get out of this place?" I ask with a shaky voice.

Michael points his finger at me before he starts explaining. "Glad you asked." He then spins around to the wall behind him and points to the map of this building. "This map shows that there are toilets in this building." He says with a slight smirk on his face.

"How is that going to help?" I say trying not to yell.

Michaels sighs. "Well it obviously means there are sewer pipes under this building." He replies in a voice that says 'it's obvious'.

"What? So you want to go through the sewers?" I ask, not quite believing what's actually happening.

"Obviously." He replies. "So surely you know a way down there. Right?"

"I might know a way." I say unsure.

"Lead the way." Michael says.

I push myself up off the floor and and slide my hand under the table. Michael notices obviously. "What the hell are you doing?" He questions.

I feel what I'm reaching for and pull it off from under the table. I hold it in front of me and I look at Michael. He's staring at the gun I just pulled from under the table with his eyes wide. I hand the gun to Michael and he gladly takes it. I then open the draw and pull out some ammo and hand it to Michael. "I didn't think I'd ever have to use this and before you ask yes I do have a gun license." I say as I turn around to the door behind me.

Sounds Good Feels Good // Mashton: auWhere stories live. Discover now