17. Now

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After Brad and I had spoken about my relationship with Beverly for a little while longer, there was yet another subject change. I asked about his current love life, and he told me that he now had a daughter, but was not in a relationship with the mother. He explained that he played his part as the father, and saw his daughter every week.

"Way to go, Daddy Brad! Turns out your dick does do a good job, after all." I joked, laughing at the fact that my friend, Bradley Redhill, was now a father.

"Shut up."

"So, how old is she?" He asked.

"Almost one years old." He smiled. He went on to show me pictures of his daughter, referring to her as 'the only girl in his life'. It was strange to think that only a couple of years ago, we were a bunch of crazy kids, breaking rules and having fun. And now, here we were. We weren't even sure where the rest of our group had ended up, but there was Brad and I. He was a father now, and I had just started to travel the world with my girlfriend.

"She's adorable. Let's hope she doesn't turn out to be a misfit like someone I know." I laughed.

"No way. This one is a good girl." He said. I thought back to the times when Michael and I would talk about a possible future together.

I fucked that up. I ruined our chances of a future together.

I fucked up.


(picture is Alex and Bev kissing)

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