22. Then

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There was an art and photography gallery that I had heard about and wanted to attend. Michael seemed pretty interested in it too, and we made plans to go together. It didn't take much to convince him to skip school for the gallery on Friday. We hadn't told the rest of the group about our little plan, because it was a date.

Friday morning, I was dressed in my school uniform, with changing clothes stuffed in my bag. Since Michael's aunt left for work really early, we planned to meet up there and then leave after changing. I left home and made the short trip to Michael's house. He pulled me into his arms and kissed me on the lips as soon as he opened the door.

I went up to his bedroom, and he left me to change. Once I was done, I came out of the room to find him leaning against the wall waiting for me. He smiled down at me, and told me that I looked good. We kissed for a while, and then we left the house.

We entered the building where the art gallery was being held. There weren't too many people, but that was only because it was early. Michael and I walked around hand in hand, looking closely at all of the art works. I took pictures of some paintings and took pictures of Michael admiring a lot of the work.

The art being exhibited was by unknown but extremely talented artists. I told Michael that he could have his work put up in there someday. He was really insecure about his art. It was cute.

The photography section was beautiful. There were images of buildings and beautiful sceneries, and perfect looking people. I liked the photographers work. I would love to see my work being exhibited. That was what I was working towards.

Michael and I were alone in a separate corner of the gallery. I stared at the photographs, when I suddenly felt Michael wrap his arms around me from behind and kiss the top of my head. I turned around to face him and connected our lips. He deepened the kiss, and wrapped his arms tightly around my waist, pulling me closer to him. This was not the place to be making out, but we just couldn't help it. I guided his hand down to my butt, and he squeezed gently, making me moan into his mouth. We broke apart from each other, both of us breathless. I bit my bottom lip while he smiled at me, touching my cheek with his thumb.

"Lunch?" He asked.

"Yeah." I said. He held my hand as he led us out of the art gallery, and to a small café across the road. They served coffee, breakfast and various types of sandwiches. Michael and I decided that it was our new favourite spot.

"The gallery was cool." He said.

"Really cool. The photography section was so beautiful."

"I want to meet the guy who did all of those abstract paintings. It was beautiful."

"I think I liked the pictures of the buildings best. Didn't really like the people. Seemed too perfect."

"That portrait of Marilyn Monroe was amazing. I've seen so many paintings of her. But that was on another level." He said, and I laughed suddenly. "What?"

"It's like we're having conversation with ourselves." I said, noticing how he was talking about the paintings, and I was talking about the photography.

"It works. It's art." He said.

"I like this." I said, smiling at him.



"I like this, too." He said, returning the smile.

* * *

We were back in Michael's room when Maddison called me. She was with Casey, and they had a lot of questions for Michael and I.

"Where the hell were you two today?" Maddison demanded just as soon as I had answered the phone.

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