Chapter Six

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 This morning I woke up at 6:00 am and got dressed into this: I brushed my hair and left it hang over my shoulders. I walked down stairs and ate a Smores Poptart, then I went back up stairs to the bath room and brushed my teeth. When I went back to my room and noticed that the wonderful unknown person sent me another message I picked up my phone and the message said, 'You better watch your back and STAY AWAY FROM JUSTIN!' I exited out of the message really fast and felt an urge of pain and unhappyness. I couldn't stay away from Justin, I love him to much, even if I wanted to it would be hard because we have the same classes and sit next to each other in every class. I started crying, I headed down stairs trying to stop myself from crying anymore. I heard a knock on the door and answered it, it was Justin and after he noticed that I was crying he walked into my house and shut the front door.He picked me up and craddeled me in his arms as if I was a child. I had to admit this was comforting and I wasn't crying so much now. Justin sat down on the living room couch but kept me craddeled in his arms. He looked into my deep blue-green eyes and grinned. After he grinned he kissed me. I smiled then he stopped. He held his hand out and I didn't know what he meant.

Justin: Wheres your phone?

Me: In my pocket.

Justin: May I please see what they said?

Me: Yeah.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and gave it to him. He read the message and his face went hard.

Justin: I don't think we should go to school today. Tell your mom that you aren't feeling well, text me after everyone is gone and I will come over.

Me: Okay. Justin, I love you so much.

Justin: I know and I love you more. Don't try arguing with me because we both know I will win.

Me: Ok, I won't. I still love you.

Justin: I love you too. I will go home and tell my mom that I am taking care of you today and we will spend the day right here in this room with the curtains closed and doors locked. Make sure you tell your mom that I am coming over to take care of you and that we are going to lock the doors. I better go and tell my mom. Bye, I love you.

Me: I love you too, bye.

We kissed and he set me on the couch and went back to his house. I told my mom and she said ok, but she was going to come home at lunch time to make sure nothings wrong. I told Justin and he came over after everyone was gone. While Justin locked the windows, doors, and closed the curtains I laid on the couch staring at the blank TV. When Justin was upstairs locking everything up I told Paige that I was sick and was staying home today. Surprisingly she asked if I was spending the day with Justin and I admitted that I was. We said goodbye and Justin came into the living room. He turned on the TV to a Looney Toons Movie. I sat on his lap and he held me close and tight. At lunch time when my mom came home Justin made me lay down on the couch and he sat in one of the living room chairs. My mom brought us Arby's for lunch I sat up and ate silently until my mom closed the front door and locked it. Justin came and sat by me while we ate. After we were done eating he threw the trash away and we laid down to take a nap.

Justin: I will not let that person hurt you. If they hurt you, I will personally kill the person.

Me: NO! Justin, don't kill whoever it is, just put them in jail so you won't have to go to jail. I love you too much to let you kill someone.

Justin: Alright, alright. I love you so much.

Me: I love you more.

Before Justin could responed I kissed him. I fell asleep to Justin's heartbeat, hoping that it would never end. He woke me up at 2 again and my mom was just unlocking the door.

Mom: Justin, you can go home now if you would like.

Justin: No thanks. I would like to stay here until after supper if you don't mind.

Mom: That's alright.

My mom went to the kitchen then went up stairs. Justin kissed me again and sang Never Let You Go to me again and I fell asleep. My mom and Justin woke me up at 6 pm because supper was ready. We all ate in silence. After dinner Justin helped me with the dishes. Before Justin went home he gave me a long kiss then left. We texted again until 11 this time, we said our goodnights and I love you's. At 1 am I finally fell asleep to You Smile.

I'll Never Let You Go (A JB Love Story) [Being Edited]Where stories live. Discover now