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We ran as far away from the trail as possible. Our lungs, like balloons, were at the brink of bursting. Heat rose into my cheeks and my arms and legs went numb after some time. We came to an unexpected turn and tumbled down the side of a fragment of land. Leaves and twigs got tangled in our hair on the way down. Our bodies even hit one another's every now and then.

Once we reached the bottom of the steep drop, we immediately got up and ran once more. Pain didn't matter at this point. Whoever killed that girl is out for blood, and we were probably next in line for the killers. I want to put as much distance between us and the killers as possible.

After what feels like six or seven miles, we take a nap, drink, and food break. We settle down next to some fresh berry bushes, that I have come to realize are safe for eating. They are power berries that are a mix of blueberries, blackberries, and raspberries, designed to enhance abilities that are being used at the time of consumption.

At this point, we could really use some extra power in our overworked bodies. It takes about five hours to reach maximum power, therefore I've decided to take a five hour rest. However, due to the lurking killers, we've decided to change every two and a half hours each to take turns on watch.

I set a two hour and thirty minute timer on the watch we took from the girl's wrist. I volunteered to take first watch and eat one of the fish we brought with us. I took it out of my jacket pocket and picked the unwanted parts off, like the eyes and some scales. I use the machete to help me in this process.

Once I had butchered the fish, I gobbled it up and took my jacket to the small pond next to the power berry bushes. Power berries need to grow near a source of water in order to obtain the energy. I soak the jacket in the water for a minute or so and hang it on a tree branch while I pick out power berries. It reminds me of tending mother's garden and harvesting the fruits for sale. I always asked mother why we never sold power berries. She told me that the seeds were far too expensive, especially for a secret, illegal business. 

I store all the berries I was able to pick inside my damp jacket pocket so they could absorb the water for extra energy, if that actually happens. It's a common rumor, and most likely a myth, but don't knock it until you try it.

Mahree tosses and turns in her sleep, rustling the leaves beneath her. The sun has officially set, leaving us in the dark except for the brightness of the moon, reflecting off the pond. Then, out of the blue, Mahree breaks into a fit. Her eyes don't open, but she begins thrashing about, her arms failing everywhere. She begins to scream, but her voice sounds choked and cuts off at certain points. I sprint over to her from the pond and put my arm underneath her neck, supporting her upper body.

"It's okay!" I whisper, trying to reassure her out of this trance. "Mahree, snap out of it! It's just a dream! It's not real!" I kiss her forehead in an attempt to wake her from the nightmare. Her thrashing begins to slow down, but its not enough. I move my lips down to hers and press them together gently, just hard enough to snap her out.

She responds quickly by kissing me back. I release my mouth from hers soon after. I find that I'm always the one to break the kisses. They don't particularly last very long either. Mahree looks into my eyes like they were the stars and kisses my nose. "I'm okay now." She explains in a whisper. "It was just a nightmare." I look at her with fear hiding behind my confident smile. "I get those too. I can stay on watch, but I'll be right here with you." I position myself so that her body is resting on mine under the dimmed starlight. Her eyes close and her fluttering heart returns to a steady beat that comforts my aching chest.

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