Chapter 3: The Music Store & Meet The Hales.

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Irmarie P.O.V.

I took Gerard to the music store that was down the street of the diner.

"You don't have to be so close to me. You can walk with me a few feet back if you want," I mumbled and walked quickly to the music store.

Gerard did walk behind me. I think about five feet behind me.

The music store was small. It was painted a light blue. There was a little boutique on the right and on to the left a small coffee shop.

I knew the owners of all three of the place. The Stumps own the coffee shop. The Frays own the music store. Melissa own the little boutique.

I opened the door and was greeted by my brother, Vinny.

"Hey Irmarie! How's school?" He called.

"Okay, I guess," I said.

"You always say that," he said and came to hug me.

"Because the same thing happens everyday. What do you expect?" I asked.

"For a fire to destroy it," he said with a smile.

"But then Amy wouldn't have a job!" I protested.

The door opened to reveal Gerard.

"Welcome to Micky's Music Shop." Vinny called.

"No friends, huh?" Gerard raise his eyebrow which made him look cute...

STOP. Back it up, Irmarie. Did you just think he was cute. Girl you better check your head.

"He's my older brother, Vinny," I said.

"Who is he!? Is he your boyfriend!? Why didn't you tell me!? Why wasn't this approve by me!?" Vinny freaked.

"Whoa!" Both Gerard and I said.

"First thing is we're not dating," Gerard said.

"And second, I would have gotten your approval first, don't worry." I said.

"So. Who are you?" Vinny asked going up to Gerard. Vinny is taller than Gerard.

"I'm Gerard Way," Gerard said looking up at Vinny.

"Oh, you're the other Way. Your brother comes here a lot. I think he's here right now. Nice to meet you," Vinny said.

"Nice to meet you, too," Gerard said trying to be polite to him, since Vinny did tower over Gerard and can probably beat him up.

"Come on, Gerard. Let's go find Mikey," I said and started to walk, hoping he would follow. And he did.

I found Mikey in the rock section of the store, which is pretty big.

"Hey Mikes." I said with a wave.

"Oh, hey Irmarie... Gerard..." Mikey said looking at his brother.

"Hey Mikey," Gerard said.

"Amy paired us up for the art project," I said.

"Oh. So she was serious about it then," Mikey said.

"Turns out she was," I said.

"Am I missing something here?" Gerard asked.

"Yeah. Amy told me she was going to pair me up with you about a week ago." I mumbled.

"And you knew about it but never told me," Gerard claimed.

"Well, I never talk to you. I'm sorry," I mumbled.

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