Chapter 42: A Day With My Brother

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Gerard P.O.V.

I was in my room, laying down on my bed thinking of how much homework I have and how I am not going to do it.

I heard Mikey yell. I'm pretty sure he was playing Call Of Duty or Mortal Kombat.

Then an idea popped in my head.

I've been wanting to hang out with Mikey now, and now is a good time. Mikey wasn't doing anything and nothing big is going on.

I quickly send a text to Irmarie telling her that I was going to hang out with Mikey today. She responded back with an okay and a smiley emoji.

I laugh at how she quickly learn how to use her phone and headed to Mikey's room, which was next to mine.

I knock on the door and open it.

"Mom how many time do I have to tell you that you have to wait for my approval." Mikey said not taking his eyes off the screen.

So he is playing Mortal Kombat.

"It's me, Mikes." I said.

Mikey paused the game and turn to face me.

"Gerard?" He said in disbelief.

"Yep." I nodded.

Mikey blinked a few times. "Uh... hi..."

It's kind of sad when your own brother doesn't know how to talk to you. I know for a long time that Mikey is socially awkward. It takes him a while to get used to people.

"So... what's up?" I asked.

"Playing a game." He said. "Uh... want to play?"

I nodded and closed the door behind me before sitting on the unmade bed.

Mikey was looking for the second control, which happens to be red and I really have no idea how hard is it to find a red controller in his blue room.

Mikey found it under the bed and handed it to me. He went to the menu and changed it to versus mode.

"You do want to go against me, right?" Mikey asked uncertain.

I nodded my head.

I press the start button on the controller and waited for Mikey to chose a character.

Mikey had Mortal Kombat: Armageddon. I don't remember Mom buying this for him. I think he bought it himself a while ago but if he were to buy it around this time he would've bought the one with the DC Universe.

Mikey chose Sub-Zero and I ended up choosing Scorpion.

I sat Indian-style on the bed and rested my elbows on my thighs and slouched forward, waiting for Mikey to pick a spot to fight. Mikey chose a place where there were mechanical things working.

"Fight!" The voice said.

Mikey hits me first. That took me by surprise. I start pressing random buttons until I saw Sub-Zero on the ground.

"Motherfucker!" Mikey yelled.

He furiously started pressing the buttons on his control. Mikey did some kind of combination and it ended my character moving backwards to where a machine was.

I knew what this fucker was going to do. Mikey is trying to send my character into that little danger zone and push my character there so Scorpion can get squish like a bug and he'll win.

I move out of the way, making Sub-Zero be closer to the danger zone than Scorpion. I hit Sub-Zero into the danger zone.

Sub-Zero gets up and begins to run from the machine that was crushing rocks. Sadly he wasn't fast enough and the machine ended squishing Sub.

Blood and internal organs come flying onto the screen.

"Motherfucker!!!" Mikey cursed.

"Watch your language, boy!" I laughed.

Round two began. Mikey made the first move and causes me to go flying close to the danger zone.

I press R1 on the control and saw Scorpion do an attack on Sub-Zero.

"Damn you, Gee!" Mikey said.

I kept doing the attack until his life level was low.

"Finish him!" The voice said.

I gave a smirk and did my final move on Sub-Zero. Blood came all over the place.

"No! Fuck you, Gerard! How the fuck did you beat me! You never play this game!" Mikey said.

"I'm just talented like that." I smiled and laughed.

"Fuck you." Mikey muttered.

We didn't play the last round since we both knew who was going to win.

"So. What do we do now?" I asked Mikey. Mikey shrugged.

"Want to head to the music shop?" Mikey asked.


We took Mikey's car. When we got there, I had forgotten that Vinny wasn't working here anymore. It felt weird not having Vinny here.

Mikey seemed to have made a new friend here though.

"Yeah, his name is Bob." Mikey said.

Mikey called Bob and Bob came out from the back of the shop.

"Hey Mikey!" Bob called.

He was taller than me by a couple of inches, has strawberry blond hair, a lip piercing like Frank's, blue eyes, and was dresses in jeans and a Led Zeppelin shirt.

"Bob this is my brother, Gerard." Mikey turned to me. "Gerard, this is my friend, Bob." Mikey said.

"Hey Bob!" I said.

"Hey Gerard!" He took out his hand and is shook out mines and we shook hands.

"What time do you get out?" Mikey asked.

"Around six, why?" Bob asked.

"Just wondering." Mikey said.

"Yeah. Better go stack some boxes. See you later Mikey. Nice to meet you Gerard," Bob said before leaving to the back of the store.

"He seems nice." I said after he left.

"Yeah he is. Just don't get on his bad side and you'll be fine." Mikey said.

Mikey headed to the rock section of the store. (No surprise in that.) I follow him.

"What are you looking for?" I asked Mikey.

"I have money for a new CD." Mikey said.

Mikey usually spent his money on band merch, books, CDs, and video games. I wonder what else he spends his money on?

"For which band?" I asked him. I saw that Mikey was in the S section of the CD's.

"Skillet." Mikey said.

While Mikey was looking for a Skillet album, I begin to walk around the section. I ended up looking for random CDs. I came across one CD in particular. There was a little girl, blond, holding a lighter. The band's name was The Pretty Reckless. Okay the cover matches the band's name and album title which by the way is called Light Me Up.

I was actually curious about this band and their songs. They have ten songs in this album and I have money to buy it myself. I grabbed the album and went to Mikey.

"Hey Mikey, I'm going to buy this, okay." I said to him.

"Alright." Mikey said as he looked at the CD I was going to buy. "The Pretty Reckless. You have money?"

"Yeah. How many are you going to buy?" I asked as I eyed the CDs in his hands.

"It's just four, dude." Mikey said.

"Four. That's like fifty bucks there. How much money do you have?" I asked him.

"I work, Gerard." Mikey said before going to the counter.

Bob quickly runs to the counter. "That all, Mikey?"


Bob checked out Mikey's stuff. Turns out you can give discount here if you know the person and Mikey ended up paying thirty bucks for four CDs that cost about fifty bucks together.

Bob then checked out my CD and I ended up paying half the price of it.

Mikey and I walked out of the store and got into the car.

"The owner of the store won't get mad?" I asked Mikey.

"No. He's supper cool." Mikey said.

Mikey put in his Skillet CD. I took the CD case in my hand and looked at the first song. Hero.

We were hungry since we did leave before Mom got home from work...

"Mikey call Mom!" I said.

"Why- Oh! We forgot to tell her." Mikey grabbed his phone and handed it me. "I'm driving dude. You do it."

I dialed Mom's number.

"Hello Mikey?"

"Mom. We went out and we're going out to eat. Sorry we forgot to tell you. Bye." I said and hanged up.

"Really dude." Mikey chuckled.

"Yeah." I nodded. I set the phone down and enjoyed the music.

We parked in front of the diner. This was the same spot where I actually talked to Irmarie. That wasn't long ago. It's April now and it happened in January, so, yeah not so long.

"I still can't believe you had beat me in Mortal Kombat." Mikey said as we walked into the diner.

"Believe it, little bro." I said and patted his head.

"Really." Mikey said in annoyance in his voice.

"Yes. Yes really." I said and rolled my eyes as we sat in a booth.

"You may be my older brother, but you're really immature sometimes." Mikey said.

"You said sometimes!" I pointed out.

Mikey gave me one of his poker-face before the waitress came.

"Hi, how may I help you?" She said.

She looked familiar. I think she goes to our school. She had light brown hair that reached her shoulders.

"Uh, can I have a burger and a Coke?" Mikey muttered.

I know Mikey is trying his best not to be shy. I know he is trying to be loud enough like other people.

"Okay." Despite the fact that Mikey muttered, she understood him. Usually when they ask for orders in a restaurant Mikey had to repeat twice what he said before Mom had to tell the waitress or waiter what he said.

The waitress turned to me.

"Same." I said.

She nodded and left.

Mikey's phone beeped and Mikey took it out. I sat there, not knowing what to do, so I took out my phone and started playing Minecraft. Don't judge, Minecraft is very fun when you're bored.

When Mikey put his phone away, I paused my game.

"Was that Alicia." I said in a baby voice.

"Shut up, dude." Mikey said.

"So it was Alicia! What she say?" I asked him.

"Uh... none of your business..." Mikey said.

"Fine then." I said and muttered, "rude."

The waitress came moments later with out food. I didn't finished mine, but had a little bit left. Mikey on the other hand was a different story. He had finished everything, and I tell you, it's a big burger and a lot of fries.

"Dude. How are you so skinny, yet you eat so much it's not fair!" I said to Mikey. He just shrugged. I fucking shrug.

After we finished we went home where Mom was in the kitchen, eating.

"Where did you two head off to?" Mom asked. She looked surprised for some reason. Do I blame her, no.

"We went to the music store." Mikey said before going to his room to drop off his CDs.

"I see you bought something too." Mom said motioning to the little plastic bag I had in my hand.

"Yeah. I bought a CD too." I said while taking it out of the bag.

Mom saw it from where she was sitting. "The Pretty Reckless. Is that one of those bands Irmarie showed you?" She asked.

"No, actually. I just bought it..." I said.

"You bought a CD of a band that you don't even know about?" Mom asked.

"When you put it like that," I began, "yeah..."

"If you don't like that band let Mikey hear it." Mom said.

I walked to Mikey's room. "Mikey. Let me borrow your laptop." I asked him.

Mikey is the only person who buys CDs and puts them into his iPod. I mean, why don't you just buy it on iTunes? Whatever, he's like a really big fan boy or something.

"What's wrong with yours?" Mikey asked. He was turning on his console.

"Nothing. But I did forget to charge it." I said.

"Fine." Mikey sighed.

I grabbed his laptop that was on his desk and turned it on. I opened the CD case and then opened the DVD drive on the side of the laptop.

Mikey continued to play Mortal Kombat even though he's being a bitch about me beating him in the game.

The first song came up and it was called My Medicine. Mikey had started playing story mode and the first thing he was doing was fighting.

"Turn it up, Gerard. It has a good tune to it." Mikey said. He was right. The song had a good tune.

I rolled my eyes and turned up the volume. The song had a good rock 'n roll beat. Not sure how Mikey can make this song into a fight song... but he can I guess.

By the time Mikey had quite playing the game and changed it to Call Of Duty, I was on track five of the album, which wasn't long.

"Want to play?" Mikey asked.

"Nah. I'm pretty sure I suck at playing Call Of Duty." I said.

"I bet you were thinking that when you played Mortal Kombat." Mikey said.

"No actually." I said.

Before Mikey can load the game, Mom came in knocking the door.

"Micheal Way you have played too much video games. Do your homework! Same for you Gerard!" Mom said and left.

Mikey being a good kid, sat down on his beanbag chair and did his homework. He looked up.

"Aren't you going to do your homework?" Mikey asked me.

"No. I can do them in homeroom tomorrow." I said.

"We have homeroom in third period." Mikey said.

"Yeah. I know." I said.

"How the fuck do you manage to get good grades!?" Mikey asked.

"I don't know. I don't cheat. I guess it's because I do go in tests." I said.

"I learn more about you everyday." Mikey said.

"Really?" I asked him.

"Yeah. I should do my homework because by the time I finish it'll be ten." Mikey said.

I thought about what Mikey said for a moment. He's right. Mikey and I barley know things about each other.

I waited for Mikey to finish his homework before talking to him. By the way, he finished around eight.

"You know how you said earlier about how you're learning something new about me?" I asked Mikey.

"Yeah." Mikey said.

"I guess we should start getting to know each other. We're brothers and we don't even know each other's favorite colors." I pointed out.

"True." Mikey said. "My favorite color is blue."

I smiled. "Me too."

"See. There's a start." Mikey smiled.

That night we talked to each other. There wasn't any distance like we were before January came and Mrs. Hale paired me up with Irmarie. No me bullying Mikey or Mikey feeling like shit. Just two brothers talking.


Sorry I haven't updated. Lost internet connection last week and I barley got it back.

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