Chapter 12: Blizzard of '13 Part 1

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Gerard P.O.V.

Irmarie and I sat in lunch together like we always do for about a month now.

"Do you think the blizzard is going to be huge? Mama said that we're going to the store tomorrow." Irmarie said.

"I guess so. I mean, the teachers even announced that we're not having school Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday." I said.

"Hey, are you going to eat your apple?" Irmarie asked.

"No. You can have it." I said and I handed the apple to her.

"Hey Way!" I heard Giovanni called.

"Fuck." I said.

"Why are you sitting with the emo?" Giovanni said.

I noticed Irmarie looked down at her food. "Hey, she has a name." I defended her.

"What, the emo," he laughed.

"The 'emo' has a name." I snapped.

"Gerard, she's brain washing you!" Giovanni said.

"No she's not! She's been an amazing friend! She's been teaching me things I never thought I would know!" I said.

"I thought we were friends," Giovanni said.

"We were. But, I chose the wrong person to be friends with." I said.

"Come on, Way. Not you too." Giovanni said.

"Maybe it's time for a change," I said.

"No! This is all Mrs. Hale's fault! Even Gabriel has been brainwashed by the emos," Giovanni said.

"Hey, why don't you just go fuck yourself," I snapped.

"Fuck you, Way!" Giovanni said.

"Get away from us. Don't call anybody 'emo' again," I said.

"I can do what ever I want, Way," Giovanni said. He then grabbed me by the neck. "Why don't you go die?"

Out of nowhere, an apple is thrown at Giovanni's head.

"Who threw that!?" Giovanni yelled. He was now looking around the room.

Everybody's jaws were open, they had the did-you-see-what-just-happen look. "Who threw it!?" Giovanni demanded.

"I did you son of a bitch," Irmarie snapped. Everyone gasped and started whispering to each other.

Did Irmarie just do that? I thought.

"Whoa, I never thought the emo would hit me with an apple." Giovanni said.

"Well, guess what, I did." Irmarie said. She was now standing up.

Giovanni smirked then went over to her. "You should of been dead," he said.

That got me mad! Why the fuck did he hated her so much!

"Leave me alone you fag," Irmarie said.

"No." Giovanni said then slapped her.

The room fell in silence again. Irmarie just looked at Giovanni. Her check was red now.

"Go to hell for heavens sake," was all she said before he kicked him in the balls. He fell to the ground and everybody started laughing.

Irmarie started running to me. "Are you okay?" She asked.

"I'm fine." I said. I didn't realize I was on the ground. "Thanks for saving me."

"Thanks for sticking up for me," she said with a smile.

"Hey!" We called when we enter the Hale household on Tuesday.

"Okay, that's everyone," Rosa said.

"Hey what's going on?" Irmarie asked and we took off our coats.

"No, don't take off your coats. We're going to the store. I was just waiting for you guys. Gerard, your mom said you can come to the store with us since she too is coming," Rosa said.

Irmarie and I looked at each other. Everyone is here. Vinny, Star, Spike, Coco, Rocky, Wolfgang, Rosa, and Kurt.

"Okay, were going in separate cars. Vinny will drive his car, Star, Spike, and Coco are going with him. Dad will drive me, Rocky, and Wolfgang. Donna will drive you guys." Rosa said.

After that, everyone started getting their jackets. Irmarie and I put our book bags in a corner.

"This blizzard must be pretty bad." Irmarie said.

"Tell me about it," I said.

Mom pulled the car up in the parking lot. Irmarie and I had to go in the back with Mikey since Dad has shotgun.

"Hey Mikes." Irmarie said.

"Hey Irma." Mikey said.

"You guys get all the food, okay." Mom said.

"Why is everyone going to the store?" I asked.

"We won't be able to leave the house for a couple of days. It's a blizzard, Gee." Mom said.

"Well, I just hope we have electricity," Irmarie muttered.

"Yeah. I think everyone will go nuts," Mikey said.

The plan was to go to Walmart and basically buy food. Easy right? When we got to Walmart, the parking lot was full. We had to park far away from the store.

When we went inside, there was a lot of people waiting in line.

"It looks like it's the end of the world," Irmarie said.

"Yeah..." both me and Mikey said.

"Alright. To the food aisle," Spike said.

We all got carts and started running to the food aisle. The shelves were almost empty. Irmarie was right, it looked like it was the end of the world.

We were there for an hour.

Star had to take Irmarie to get some feminine things. Mom and Dad were putting food in the carts. So that just left me and Mikey with the cart.

"So," Mikey said.

"So." I said.

"You so like her, dude." Mikey said.

"What?" I asked.

"You like Irmarie more than a friend." Mikey smirked.

"No I don't," I said feeling my face getting warm.

"Aw, you're blushing. I get now why you felt guilty before," Mikey said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because you always did have feelings for her, you just didn't know." Mikey said.

"Okay, say if I do have feelings for her, I don't think she'll like me back," I said.

"Dude, I've seen the way she looks at you, she does have feelings for you." Mikey said.

"Keep on dreaming, Mikey. There's no way in hell that she would want to ruin our friendship." I said.

"Who wants to ruin who's friendship?" Mom asked and she put some macaroons in the cart.

"Gerard has feelings for Irmarie," Mikey said.

"Like, friends or..." Mom said.

"Crush! He has a crush on Irmarie!" Mikey said.

"Aw. You guys make a cute couple," Mom said. I swear she sometimes talks like a teenage girl.

"And now he's blushing!" Mikey pointed out.

"Who's blushing?" Dad asked.

"Gerard has a crush on Irmarie." Mom said.

"Finally the boy doesn't have a crush on a slut!" Dad said.

"Dad!" I said.

"Come on, it's true." Mom said.

"You guys are weird." I said.

"So is your crush." Mikey said.

"Stop it. I don't have a crush on Irmarie. We're just friends." I said. They all rolled their eyes. Like I said before, they're weird...

"Hey, my mom is ready. Are you guys ready?" Irmarie called.

"Yeah." Mom called back. Irmarie gave two thumbs up then left.

"Gerard," Dad began. "I know you love her. Want to know how I know?"


"You look at her the way I look at your mother." Dad said while holding Mom's hand.

Mikey patted my back. "He's right."

"And don't get me started on how you love Alicia, Mikey," Dad said.

"I don't think we have time for that, Donald. We have to go," Mom said.

"We'll talk later," Dad said.

I pushed the cart to the line of people waiting for the cash register. We were in the same line as the Hales. They had two carts...

"I'm tired." Irmarie complained. She then sat down on the ground. I decided to sit next to her. "You tired too?" Irmarie asked.

"Yeah." I said.

"Who would of know, the Blizzard of 2013. And it's not just here. It's almost all over the country," Irmarie said.

"Dang that must be a huge one." I said.

"Yeah." Irmarie said and rested her head on my shoulder. I rested my head on hers. "You better fucking call me if there is a big blizzard that we can't go outside." Irmarie muttered.

"If the telephone poles aren't down then I'll call you." I said.

"Good. 'Cause I'll miss you," Irmarie muttered.

"I'll miss you too," I said.

It's weird that two months ago I hated her guts so much, I couldn't bare to talk to her. Now, now I can't go a day without talking to her. That's a big change.

I looked at Mikey, he was smiling at us. I rolled my eyes.

I guess Dad could be right. I think I love Irmarie more than a friend. But, I don't want to ruin our friendship.

I looked up at the Hales, they were already paying.

"Irmarie." I shook her.

"Uh?" Irmarie said.

"Sorry. I didn't know you were sleeping." I said.

"It's fine. Thanks for waking me up." Irmarie said. I stood up and held out a hand so Irmarie can take it. She took it.

Once the Hales finish paying and my family paid too, we left the store.

"Do you think it'll snow right now?" Irmarie asked while looking at the sky.

"I hope not," Mom said.

The skies were covered with clouds. Well, duh Captain Obvious, I thought to myself.

We dropped off Irmarie at her place and we put our groceries away.

"Okay, I have to go, bye!" I called and ran to Irmarie's house.

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