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I shoved my hands into my sweater pockets and kept my eyes screwed onto the ground as I walked along the sidewalk. It was the first week of November so it was slightly frigid and chilly outside. It was around 3:00 PM on a Saturday but clouds scattered the dim sky, setting a dark mood. I carefully swiveled my direction to avoid stepping in a puddle. A soft breeze brushed against my face causing a shiver to travel down my spine.

I'd probably end up sleeping over Gerard's house tonight like I usually did. Practically all my clothes were over there already so it wouldn't be a problem. My mom knows Mrs. Way very well so she always allows me to spend the night and Gerard's mother always welcomes me in with a warm smile.

I make a swift left turn down a long road that will soon lead me to my destination. I decided it would be best to shoot Gerard a text, warning him I'd be there shortly. Whipping out my crappy flip phone, I quickly click the buttons and lastly, sending the text to his cellphone. I was expecting a quick reply since all Gerard really did was draw and watch TV, but I shrugged it off once I reached the front door. I clenched my hand in a fist and softly knocked on the door. I would usually barge in if it was just Gerard home but his mom's car was parked in the driveway and I didn't want her to think I was rude. Even though I was.

The door swung open almost instantly and I was ushered in quickly welcomed with a sweet aroma.

"Hey Frank! I made cookies and Gerard is downstairs in the basement as usual," Mrs. Way giggled, handing me a small plate of cookies.

"Mmm, thank you," I said politely before turning around and walking to the basement door at the other end of the house.

Since I was, indeed, an asshole, I decided I was going to sneak up on him and scare him. I carefully opened the door and tiptoed down two steps but stopped as I heard something.

It was skin. Skin colliding together accompanied with soft moans. I swallowed the gulp in my throat as I silently knelt down and peered around to where the sounds were coming from. My eyes widened and my breathing hitched as I stared down at what I've only dreamed about. Gerard was sitting on the couch, legs open, and naked. He had his right hand coiled around his member and sweat dripped from every pore. His hair messily stuck to his forehead and his eyes were screwed shut, mouth gaping open.

I should leave. Scoff down these cookies and go back home, but I just couldn't. Even though I shouldn't enjoy watching my best friend jack off in his basement, I did, And oh boy, I did. I tried to force myself to move from the position I was in, but I felt glued right here on this stair step. Jacking off was portrayed as a dirty, forbidden thing but the way Gerard did it, made it look like something that was beautiful and angelic.

Another soft moan escaped his throat as he continued pumping himself, speeding up the pace. I took note of his rosy cheeks. And yes, I meant the ones on his face. His eyelashes lay softly right below his eyes and his lips were plump and looked soft. Every inch of my body wanted to get up. Go over there and join in, but I knew I couldn't. I didn't want to embarrass him or ruin our friendship but God, I was aching with lust.

Suddenly, I was "gifted" with another problem. I was so focused on Gerard that I hadn't noticed my growing erection. I gulped and tried to quietly shift around, making this a little more comfortable. Dammit. I had a huge fucking boner.

Gerard sunk back into the couch, his head falling backwards as he bit his bottom lip. His hand worked over his cock perfectly as he spread his legs a little wider. This whole time I was watching, I knew it was wrong. Every single second of it, and I knew that but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't stop. Butterflies had completely taken over my stomach and I could feel the heat in my cheeks.

Gerard was insecure. I don't know why because he's fucking beautiful. They say only one person in everyone's life would fit their own ideal "perfect" and I knew I had already found that person. I would honestly sit by Gerard forever and study every aspect of his body. Anyways, since he was insecure, he would always wear pants and a baggy sweater. I think the most skin of him I've seen was one day in the summer when he wore flip flops instead of sneakers. I'd always been insanely eager to see more of his skin and now I was. Every inch of it was on that couch and it was taking me everything not to get up and touch him.

Imagine your mom bought your favorite food in the world and she placed it right in the center of the fridge. You wanted it so badly but she said not to eat it yet. You grumpily agree as she takes off to the store and you are left alone. You become thirsty so you open the fridge and see your most favorite food right in front of you but you knew you couldn't eat yet. This is exactly how I felt with Gerard. He was completely exposed right before my eyes but he was also off limits.

The torture was paining me and I was more horny than I've ever been, and that's really saying something. It's saying that Gerard was my weak spot. Always has been, and always will be. Now, this wasn't always a good thing. Take this situation for example. I should feel guilty right now but I couldn't focus on anything else other than Gerard and how beautiful he looked right now.

Just as I thought nothing could get better, Gerard placed two fingers from his left hand in his mouth, pulling them out creating a trail of saliva, and placing them behind him. He slipped them in his opening and moaned quietly. He bounced eagerly on his digits as he continued to stroke his member. He started to create a pace with his pace with his fingers and hand.

I roughly pinched the skin on my left arm, making sure I wasn't dreaming. I wasn't sure if it was good or not that I was, indeed, completely conscious. I glanced down to see the plate of cookies and my obvious boner. God, I'm going straight to fucking hell. I glanced up to at the sound of Gerard moaning and his breath hitching. He looked like a mess. A beautiful mess.

He had now removed his fingers and was just focused on his member. He breathed heavily, letting a few moans slip out out. Soon, he reached his climax and tried to bite back his moan but the high pitched sound escaped his throat as the warm liquid shot out of him. He let his head fall back as he continued to breathe heavily.

Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. I hadn't exactly planned what I was going to do after he finished. I can't wait here until he was done cleaning up and dressing because he would surely spot me as soon as he stood up and I couldn't just leave the basement because he'd now hear the door. He started to stand up, and I panicked. I quickly tried to open the door as quietly as possible and didn't even bother to close it. Fuck. I really hope he didn't hear the door. Thankfully, there was nobody in the living room and the kitchen, and I raced to the bathroom, still carrying the stupid plate of cookies.

I fixed my problem in the bathroom, being the quietest I could, and then walked out, and saw Gerard perched on the couch in the living room. He was real interested in some kind of sloth documentary on the television screen. I walked over and sat down, offering him a cookie. He slightly flinched and took a cookie.

"Hey. Just got here," I tried to pull it off cool.

I watched him doubtfully nibble a piece of the cookie.

"Oh, really? Cool," he spoke softly, not taking his eyes off the TV.

Sweet! He bought it. The knot in my stomach disappeared and we spent the next few hours talking, laughing, and debating on bands. Right around 10:00, I decided it would be good idea to go home since I had just remembered the essay that was due on Monday.

"Oh, hey, Frankie? One last thing," he turned his head from the living room.

My stomach fluttered at the nickname. "Yeah?"

"Make sure you close the door next time," he slightly smiled, turning his head back towards the TV.

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