[8-thruth of dare?]

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"Dayl thruth or dare?" Cian asked grinning.

We arrived at Cian's house half an hour ago, I don't how Dayl got us here but he did and because of him I was sitting in Cian Morrin's siting room playing thruth or dare with Cian, Dayl and Cian's friends Aaron, his girlfriend Sarah, Connor, his girlfriend Kim and Brian. Aaron and brian were in a different band called everyday solution, they were also a really good band.

"Thruth," Dayl said eating Pringles.

"Do you have a crush on anyone here?" Cian asked smirking.


"Do you have a crush on anyone here?" Cian asked smirking.

My heart stopped as he said it, olivia was sitting right there Infront of me.

Olivia looked at me biting her lip, fuck that was hot.

"Ya," I said my checks heating up as I ducked my head down hoping nobody would see.

"Awww the poor chap," Connor said laughing as he patted my back.

"Shut up," I laughed looking up to she a confused looking olivia.

"I'm going to the bathroom," olivia said getting up.

"We'll go with Ya," Sarah said as Kim left with her.

As soon as they left I let out a frustrated sigh running my hand through my hair.

"You must really like her," Cian said giving me a sympathetic look.

"She's fucking gorgeous," I replied.

"Your right there,"Brian agreed nodding.

"How long have you liked her?" Aaron asked.

"️I don't know I kinda felt something about her for a while but I only admitted it to myself about a month ago, it's complicated," I said sighing.

"How is it completed?" Conner asked looking confused.

"Her mum doesn't like me, she thinks olivia deleted my number," I said giving a defeated look.

"Shit that's tough," Cian said.

"What am I supposed to do? It's actually driving me insane," I said questioning them, hoping they might have an awnser.


"Olivia are you okay?" Kim asked knocking on the bathroom door as I tried to calm my breathing.

I liked Dayl and Dayl liked one of the three of us girls in the room, fuck, what if it was me?

No wait it can't be I'm nothing compared to Kim and Sarah.

"Oh..um Ya," I mumbled opening the bathroom door.

"Come here," they said pulling me into a hug.

"So do you like Dayl?" Sarah asked as we pulled out of the hug.

"Umm.....yyes," I whispered biting my lip.

"He seriously likes you," Kim said grinning.

"What? No he can't," I said shocked.

How could he like someone like me, I was just average.

"Um, yes he can and I'm 100% sure that he does," Sarah said grinning also.

"What's to like about me though?" I questioned looking in the mirror, nothing.

"Um girl have you not seen your hair! I'd kill to have anywhere like yours," Kim argued looking at my thick and bushy brown hair.

My hair looked okay when it was straightened but I didn't own a straighter so right now it was horrible and curlyish.

"It's a nightmare!" I exclaimed brushing it out of my eyes.

"Well anyways he likes you and everyone knows it apart from you," Sarah said sitting on the steps of the stairs.

"I just hope you two are right," I said sighing.

Omg I'm back a again, Olivia's back she's back again, brother sister go tell a friend...I can't remember the rhyme😂😂 Exams are over thank god...failed french probably cus I didn't even do half the paper...lol!

Kinda just wrote this like a normal chapter because it made sence☺️you will see the odd normal chapter pop up☺️

💌 22/12/15

Liv xx💛💙

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