[9-standing in the rain]

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"Hey Liv," Cian said sitting down beside me as I took a sip of my coffee.

"Morning Cian," I said braving a smile.

I still wasn't over yesterday, it was going to take me a while to get over.

He could nor shouldn't like me. It's wrong in every shape and form.

"You okay?" Cian asked with a worried expression.

"Honestly I don't know, I'm a bit all over the place," I admitted sighing.

All over the place was an understatement, my head was currently gone haywire.

I was happy to know that Dayl like me yet I didn't want him to, it felt wrong.

"You need a walk, on your own and you need to think things out" Cian suggested drinking his coffee.

"Your right I do need a walk," I said throwing the remains of my coffee down the sink.

"Thanks Cian, you helped, a lot," I said kissing his check.

"Happy to help," Cian said as I ran up the stairs to change into my superdry tracksuit and hoodie.

"I'm going out now," I said to Cian as I grabbed my phone off the counter.

"Alright call if you need me," Cian shouted behind me as i walked out the door.

I had no idea where I was going around castle-bar only being there once before but I headed in the direction of centra, I needed pringles and lucosade.

Shit that reminded me of Dayl, never the less I needed them and fast.

I walked quickly to the shop as I walked through the door being greated by warm air as I grabbed a bottle of lucosade before searching for pringles.

As I reached down to grab a can my hand hit of another hand. I looked up to find a grinning boy with dirty blonde hair and blue eyes.

"Sorry," i murmured grabbing a can of salt and viniger.

"Good choice," the boy said grabbing a can for himself.

"I was sent here because according to my friend his love doesn't return his love..I think he studied Rome and Juliet to much for his junior cert," the boy siad making me laugh.

"And I feel like Juliet right now too," I said sending him a sad smile.

"Boy troubles?" The boy questioned as we headed towards the tills.

"You got it," I replied paying for my stuff.

"I'm Josh by the way," the boy who's now been given the name of Josh said as he collected his stuff from the till.

"Olivia," I replied.

"Tipp?" Josh questioned picking up my tipperay accent.

"You got it," I said as we exited the shop as we saw the rain beginning to fall home.

"Great," Josh murmured getting out his phone and calling someone.

"Hey. Ya I'm stuck outside centra its to heavy to walk. Okay grand, see Ya," Josh said before ending his phone call as i sent Cian a quick text.

Olivia: Cian you pick me up? I'm outside centra and it's lashing.

Cian: I'm gonna send Dayl because I'm stuck minding finian...sorry.

Olivia: it's grand I'll survive some how....

Cian: good luck!

"Typical Irish weather," Josh said taking step back so he was beside me so he wouldn't get wet.

"Don't tell me about it," I replied.

"So you in 5th year?" Josh asked.

"6th year actually," I replied grimacing, I was so not ready for the leaving.

"TY," Josh said grinning.

"Seriously? You look way older," I replied slightly shocked, he could easily pass for eighteen, easily.

"Ya I get that a lot, must be my good looks," Josh said flexing slightly.

"Don't flatter yourself mate," I replied hitting his arm as Cian's car drove up Infront of me.

"Thanks my ride," we both said at the same time.

"But how?" We both said again at the same time.

"Dayl how do you know olivia?" Josh asked confused.

"I could ask you the same thing," Dayl said raising an eyebrow at us.

"I'm getting the front," Josh said opening the front door.

"It's not like I want to sit beside him anyways," I said through gritted teeth as I took my seat in the back.

"What do you mean?" Josh said confused.

"Dayl here is the guy who makes me feel like Juliet."

idk...bet ye wornt expecting yoshii to appear..I like this chapter tho☺️

First update of 2016🌹 Im gonna the the boys on the 16th in rack hall🌻 got ma tickets the other day & I'm pure buzzin🌷

New cover....I wanted to keep the photo and just change the font but then I couldn't find the photo and then I saw this photo and well Ya...I like it🌹

Liv xx💙💛

💌3 /1/16

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