Chapter 1

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"Mom I am leaving!" I yell as I grab my guitar and go to walk out

"Abby get you butt back in here." My mother says

I groan and walk into the kitchen and she throws me some toast. I catch it and take a bite when I hear a car honk.

"Can I go now?" I ask

"Yes." She says

"Thank you." I say and quickly hug her then my dad

"Be careful. You know the monsters are a lot more dangerous on Halloween." My dad says

"Yes father." I say and walk out to my friend, Brian's, car and get in

"Hey Ab." He says and starts driving

"What's up Brian. And thanks for getting there when you did." I say and set my guitar in the backseat

"I told you I would be there at about 7:30. And it is 7:26." He says and chuckles

"But still." I say

"Yeah. And Nicki wants to know if our band could play at her party. It's at that creepy mansion." He says

"I don't know. Depends if my parents let me. You know how they are on Halloween." I say as we park and get out

"Well I got to get to football practice." He says and grabs his jersey from under my guitar and locks the car

"Be careful Dawn." I say and laugh

"Don't get yourself bullied by Nicki, Dean." He says and uses my last name just like I did

I laugh then walk to my locker to see my best friend, Megan, standing there. I laugh as she holds up something.

"Nicki is trying to get back you for hanging out with Brian." She says and shows a picture of me and Brian walking to his car with the saying; Looking at the two D's. One is the Hunter's daughter. One is the football player's son.

"That's not to bad." I say and laugh

"But look at the picture a bit more." She says

I look at the picture a bit more and see that I was bringing my arm up to punch him but it looks like I was going to grab his hand.

"No! They caught that picture at the wrong time." I say

Megan nods "How are you going to fix that?"

"I don't know. I will have to talk to Brian when we go to my house until his parents get home." I say

She nods and throws the picture in her locker and smiles.

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