Chapter 10

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I look at Brian as he stays in front of me, keeping an eye out for anything that comes to attack us.

"How did they even get out again?" I ask

"I don't know. My guess is that the capsule broke again." He says

I try to nod without wincing, but I quickly stop myself before I do anything stupid.

"How's your head?" He asks

"Still hurts a lot. But I think I should be fine." I say

"That's good. Cause I don't know what I would do without you at school." He says

I laugh as I look over at him. He smiles down at me and I close my eyes for a minute.

"I highly doubt that. You would know what you could do. You wouldn't have to deal with my constant complaining." I say

He laughs and looks at me as he stops laughing. I smile up at him as he starts to lean in closer. I go up to close the gap, but that's when the red smoke comes over and wraps around both of us, pulling us apart.

"Oh Skylar! Look who I have." I hear her voice say

"Let them go Diemanta." She yells

"But your daughter's fear is so good." Diemanta says

"Mom!" I yell

"Calm down sweetie. You're fine. Don't be afraid, it only makes her stronger." She assures

I look over at Brian as he continues to struggle against the smoke. I then look at my dad as he is hiding behind one of the towers, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. That's when I see the smoke coming up behind him.

"Dad! Behind you." I yell

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2017 ⏰

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