Chapter 6

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I would look over at Brian when I heard a scream. I set my guitar down from tuning it. Brian gets into his bag and tosses me one of the guns. I catch it and attach it to my wrist. He grabs his and we run towards where we heard the scream.

"Do you think it's Diemanta?" I ask

"I highly doubt it. Your mother is her host." He says

"You never know when they will change hosts." I say and reach the stairs and see a black glow

"Told you that it isn't her." He says

"No it's not." I say "But it is one of her minions.."

"What? I thought your parents friends defeated them." He says

"Megan!" I yell

"Abby!" She screams back

"Where are you?" I ask

"Upstairs!" She says

I grab Brian's hand and start to run upstairs. He follows me, his gun ready.

"Who's there with you?" I ask

"One of Diemanta's minions." She says

"Oh. Is this the Abby that Diemanta told us to look out for?" A really shaky voice asks

Brian pulls me back and stays in front of me.

"No it's not." He says

"But it is." I whisper

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