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I woke up in a all white room. I had four walls all white. Nothing but me and those four walls. "Where am i" i asked myself. I felt warm, cozzy, and worried free. I was wearing a all white flowing dress. My hair was curled with a white flower in my hair. I stood up and examined the room. As i turned around the was a boy. I had never seen him before. He was chocolate color, short for a guy but taller than me, he was wearing all white. His hair was in a mohawk with a blond part in it. He also had dark shades on. He stood their an stared at me. He was kinda of cute but that beside the point. He walked closer to me and stared deep into my eyes. I still couldnt see his eyes.

"W-who are you" i said

"Your guardian angel" he said still staring at me

"Where are we"

He chuckled a little "In your dreams, Your still in" he came closer and whispered in my ear "His playground".

"Why am i here" I said shaking in fear

"You have to save them, my friends, from daddy. I was here before. I will help you, i promise." he said now holding my hands

"What if i cant, theres no escape here"

"But there is" and with that he started to walk away.

"WAIT!!!" I said running towards him


"Who are your friends and who are you"

"Jacob and Ray. Craig my name is craig" an with that he was gone.

The room stared to turn black.The walls seeped with blood coming out of it. My beuatiful dressed turned into dirty, torn rags. My hair was wet and the flower was dead and dried. I heard screams and shrieks only to notice they were mine. A sharp pain came to me. Blood was all i saw A pool of blood, but not my own. No this wasnt the blood from the walls or me, but who. I closed my eyes to only here a faint yet loud scream. I opened my eyes to see guts and blood on the floor. I lookedup to see jacob and ray hung with deep cuts on their body. There eyes were gashed out. They had a huge black hole were their heart should be yet a heard a heart beat. I screamed but no sound escaped my mouth. I stood up to try and run but i froze. I looked back at them and noticed something. Their arms were out pointing toward something behind me. I turned slowly only to see the boy with the labcoat. He held out his arms and said "Come to daddy"

I turned back around to run when i felt had on my legs. I looked down to see ray and jacob holding onto my legs. I screamed and kicked to break free, but it was useless. Their grip was strong. I looked down. I had heard a mumble. "You said you would save us, now you going to die!!" I screamed and yelled when i felt a sharp pain again. But in my heart. I looked up to see the boy, he had stabbed me in the heart. I was slowly losing consciousness.

He knelt down infront of me that way we were eye to eye. He came close to my ear and whispered. "I told you to obey or you die!" And with that he left me for dead. I gasped for air. Still having the knife in my heart. I said one little prayer.

I heard a vioce calling a name. The voice was familiar but the name was not my own. The hands began to shake me.

I woke up screaming!! I was sweating a panting, gasping for air. I put my hand by my heart and there was no knife. I saw jacob and ray staring at me with a worried look.

"It was only just a dream?"










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