All he needs is love

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"Yeah you only dreaming" jacob said

"what happened?" i asked sitting up from the bed i was in, looking at ray and jacob.

"He experimented on you and brought you back here. You were out for 2 days" jacob said placing his hand on my head.

"Yeah we thought you were in a coma then you started screaming and yelling 'come back'" ray said

"Oh, i had the weirdest dream" i said

"Explain" ray said with a constipated face. I had to laugh.

"What?" he asked confused

"Your face bro! You look constipated, lol" i said while laughing

"Watev, explain the dream" ray said while still having the same face.

"Well i was in this all white room and then this kid came in and he was like you have to save my friends and to escape,  i think his name was craig or something then he left and the room got dark and there was blood everywere and and you guy were dead and that boy came in and i tried to run but yall held on to me and was like you didnt protect us no you going to die like us and and" i started to cry

Jacob came over to me and hugged me

1 week

168 hours ive been here. This is hell, no wait hell is better. Ray is sick and i keep having dreams with craig in them. He keeps telling me about this plan but he never tells me the plan. He says "just wait i have a plan". WTF is the plan.

Right now im sneaking in the kitchen to get ray some medicine. If it was for me ray wouldnt be sick. How you may ask? Well during my "torture" i didnt call him daddy! So he stripped all of us beat us with a wipe and sat us in the rain for 2 hours. Then he put us in the cooler to freeze. Crazy right!!!

Well i avoided all the traps and made it back to the room and gave ray his medicine. He crawled in my lap and fell asleep. To be the oldest hes such a baby but hes my baby.(in a bro sis way) Well im sleepy to nite nite!



"Oh hey craig"

"You ready to leave this place" he said

"Yes! are you going to tell me the plan?"

"Yes" he said


"Oh yeah, date roc"

"who?" i said

"Your kidnapper"

"Hell no" i yelled

"fine then stay here forever" he said while folding his arm across his chest

"How would me dating him get us out of here anyway?"

"he will let his guard down, plus all he wants is love or at least to feel it" he said

"And you know this how?"

"I went in his dreams, just trust me ok please" he pleaded

"Ugh, fine"

And with that he left and i woke up

Short but bare with me!! VOTE VOTE VOTE 4+ VOTES TO CONTINUE

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