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Page 3
October 17, 2019

Wow. It's been four years since I wrote in this book! I lost it like three days after I got it... I don't think anyone was surprised, I lose everything. Anyways... I found it again this morning when we cleaned the storage room. It was in my backpack from second grade. I don't know how it got there, but it did!

I'm twelve now. Avia is 14, Gavin is 15, Brock is 9, and Daxton is almost 6. I don't see why I had to write that... I probably won't ever write in this again.
-Emmi Butler

Daxton smiled. "Leave it to Emmi to lose it." He said to himself.

Daxton limited himself to reading only two or three entries everyday, just so that he didn't put too much on his mind at once.

"Here you go, buddy." Colette handed him a bowl of soup. "Are you still thinking about Emmi?"

"Not really. I mean... I do... But not right now." He lied. "I'm kinda sad I missed my first day of school." He said.

"It's only 11, I can drive you there now." Colette smiled.

"No... I still have a tiny bit of a tummy ache. I'm just saying... It would be better if I did go."

"I understand why you didn't want to go. Sometimes death really does make us sick to our stomachs. Dax, you know your grandma, my mom?"

"Yeah. She died before any of us were born."

"I was your age when she died. I missed two weeks of school because I felt sick every day! It's a part of the grieving process, especially when you lose someone that class. The only reason I'm not sick everyday is because I know Emmi is with Heavenly Father. Just like my mom. And I know, that doesn't make it any less difficult, but Emmi is safe. I promise."

"She would be safe here, though." Daxton shrugged.

"I know she would, sweetheart." Colette wiped away a tear from her eye and kissed Daxton's forehead. "Eat your soup." She smiled.

Colette closed Daxton's door behind her. He pulled out the journal again.

Page 4
October 20, 2019

So I guess I'm pretty bored if I'm writing in this again... On a Saturday. But I felt bad since I wrote two entries... Then lost it for four years... And than only write one more. So... Hopefully I won't forget about this for another four years.
-Emmi Butler

Daxton wondered what he was doing when Emmi wrote this. He would have been five. He was probably playing Legos with Brock. Or chasing Zeke around the backyard.

He definitely wasn't thinking that his big sister would be found dead on her bathroom floor in four years.

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