You Know You Taught Me Love.

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  • Dedicated to Lexi Sobrian

                                                                             Chapter 1.

"Lexi, We're gonna be late, hurry up!" Tyffany yelled at her best friend as she ran down the street far ahead of her, Lexi rolled her eyes.

"What are you getting so worried about? I'm going to be late and it wont matter, I'm going as fast as I can!" Lexi replies and Tyffany slows down giving her a big smile.

"Well yeah but you know I just don't want you to get in trouble" Tyffany says with a shrug as they walk slower coming nearer to the building, Lexi pushes through the doors and they run up the flight of stairs.

"Ya know we should probably do something fun after this" Tyffany states as Lexi bursts through the door apologising to the people she disturbs.

"Like what? what do you mean? Dancing is fun!" Tyffany gives Lexi a stern look and then crosses her arms.

"Yeah for you its fun cause you can actually dance" She says with a smirk and Lexi just sighs and walks to the teacher.

"Hi miss, sorry I'm so late, I slept in a bit and I know that's no excuse but I-" Lexi is cut off as her teacher waves dismissively.

"Lexi its no problem we were just warming up anyway and with all the running you did to get here I should imagine you've already warmed up enough, I just wanted to introduce you to two new students we have in the class, they seem slightly shy and I know the other girls can be slightly....obnoxious, so I thought I'd let you tutour the girls a bit, just for this lesson if you don't work well with them I can re arrange." Lexi shakes her head and smiles searching the room for the new girls, truth is she probably is better off paired with them, the other girls aren't quite as well... welcoming to new students, they expect that if you come to dance you already know how to dance, they are overly confident in themselves and kind of rub it in the poor girls faces.

"Thanks for understanding miss and no I get what you mean and I'm sure I'll work perfectly with them...Just one question? Where exactly are they?" Lexi says looking confused as she has searched the whole room now and yet no one new appears to her.

"They seem to be running a bit la- ah here they are!" The teacher says excitedly bouncing up and down on the spot as Lexi turns and see's two new girls walk in, they are both clutching their shoulder bags so tight that they have white knuckles and both are giving nervous smiles as they push open the big door with a struggle, Lexi turns back to the teacher and waits for her to nod before she calmly walks up to the poor girls.

"Hi I'm Lexi, Don't worry I'm not gonna make you guys feel stupid or anything, I'm here to tutour you but don't think I'll be all scary teacher on you, It would be nice to just be friends right?" Lexi gives the girls a knowing smile and they both recover from the shock of a girl being so kind to them straight away and they nod happily seeming more relaxed.

"I'm Naomi" One girl says seeming slightly more confident then the other, she smiles and wraps her arms around me in a hug and I reply politely nice to meet you Naomi and then the other girl who still looks like she's hiding a bit behind Naomi steps slightly forward.

"Hi Lexi, I'm Ellana" The girl says quietly and Lexi sort of already knows they will get along just from how much she admires the girls shyness, Lexi gives her a big hug and tells her not to worry she'll look out for her if the other girls get bitchy, which puts a big smile on Ellana's face, they walk over to the corner of the room that's more secluded and they get to work, Lexi is pleasantly surprised by how well the girls can dance, they do themselves proud for starters and she makes sure she tells them, Naomi seems excited by this and says aww thanks and Ellana blushes and smiles at the floor before shaking her hair out of her face and whispering thanks Lex, the alarm signals for the end of the hour and we all jump just as we settle down we jump again from the shock of Tyffany's voice coming from behind us.

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