You Know You Taught Me Love Part 7 Of The Sequel.

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  • Dedicated to Lexi Sobrian

Lexi is staring at the pretty girl who moved gracefully from table to table taking orders and smiling happily at every guest, When Ellana had came downstairs earlier to tell everyone Zayn had calmed down she had said she had a huge girl crush on the lady which made Lexi snort and her water almost went everywhere, Luckily now Lexi had her laughter under control as they sat at the table waiting for her to take their order, Ellana was gazing dreamily at the girl and Louis did the exact same thing beside her, Lexi could understand why those two were best mates, Lexi and Liam had came down earlier with a grumbling Louis who was upset at the fact Ellana still had not fell in love with him when Lexi and Liam suddenly got the bright idea to set Louis up with the pretty girl he couldn't take his eyes off earlier, not that Louis knew that of course, she spotted the young couples at their table and quickly rushed over, grinning and drawing the curtain across so that the other guests wouldn't disturb them, Ellana had been very pleased with this as she felt uncomfortable eating out, with the curtain drawn Ellana didn't find it quite as bad.

"Hey guys, What can I get you tonight?" Said the girl and Lexi smiled warmly as Liam replied.

"Oh god theres too many of us to all order, Um shall we just share something guys?" Liam questioned as the girl laughed at his worry.

"Honestly its no problem, you lot are much politer than the other jerks here anyway, keep me here all night if you need to" Louis seemed pleased at that idea as he stretched up from his slouch and smiled at the girl.

"Jerks? What a way to speak about guests" Louis said winking and the girl smiled and shrugged.

"Yeah well if one more old man tries to slap my ass, I swear I'll chuck his food in his face and then personally go and destroy his room, hope he sleeps well tonight the penis" Louis was chuckling at her response and Ellana was grinning as she went you go girl and winked, Jesus the girl was so sassy Lexi was pretty sure she would get on like a house on fire with Ellana and Louis.

"Well I think I can make an exception if thats the case, and might I add if your really going to do that, Please give me and Lani the satisfaction of joining you" Ellana nodded and went oh yep don't you leave us out of that one as the girl grinned.

"Well as if I wouldnt bring you two as my partners in crime" Lexi grinned and winked at Liam as the plan was going well.

"I hope you don't mind me asking but what's your name?" Lexi said smiling at the girl shyly.

"Oh shit yeah, I should of told you that since I'm your main waitress for your time here, Im Alessa most people call me Alexis though" Lexi smiled as Zayn leaned forward.

"Thats a beautiful name, hey would you mind if we asked you something Alexis?" The girl raised her eyebrows and leaned closer and then Niall smiled.

"Would you like to come on tour with us Alexis? Its just you've been so kind to us we'd really like to get to know you better" Alexis looks at us with her mouth wide open and nods excitedly.

" job..." She whispers and Tyffany grins.

"Simon will offer you a better one trust me you didn't seem too happy with this one babe" Alexis grinned and whispered oh my god as she started crying.

"Hey hey hey don't cry... you don't have to come with us" Louis said pulling her on to his lap and hugging her, she shook her head and smiled.

"No its not that I don't want to come, I really do, Its just so overwhelming, I mean i'm just an average girl and here I am getting offered a life time oppurtunity by chance" Louis smiled as he gently stroked her hair off her shoulder.

"Trust me you are no average girl Alexis" He whispers and she smiles hugging him close before getting up, Me and Liam were smirking like smug little gits as everything fell into place so easily and the others were trying very hard not to fangirl.

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