You Know You Taught Me Love Part 4 Of The Sequel.

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  • Dedicated to Lexi Sobrian

The car journey was long and although Louis said that they wouldnt go back for Liam, Louis gets concerned and calls him up asking him how he'll get home, Liam stays quiet before a lot of yelling is heard then a mutter of I'll just get a taxi before the call is ended and Louis stands staring at the phone looking hurt for a while before shrugging and getting back into the taxi, Everyone is asleep aside from Lexi and Louis, Lexi watches as Louis gently takes Zayn off Ellana and holds her in his arms cuddling her close which Lexi frowns at.

"So?" She questions worried for Liam's safety.

"He's in a taxi on his way too, We'll get there before him, to Las Vegas I mean, we've only got another two hours in the car, you should rest".Lexi gives Louis a stern look.

"How do you expect me to rest?! Im worried sick about Liam, Im feeling like the worst person in the world and I'm uncomfortable!" Louis sighs.

"You're not in the wrong here Lexi and I told you Liams fine nothings going to happen to him in a taxi, rest on Zayn if you're uncomfortable" Lexi crosses her arms and sits up. 

"You never know and shouldnt Ellana be resting on Zayn?" Louis stiffened, gripping Ellana tighter he looked out the window.

"Zayn doesn't know what he's doing she's only 13 and besides the fact that she's 13 theres also the fact that Zayn has Perrie" Lexi gives Louis a burning glare.

"She's only 13?! Its love Louis age shouldnt matter its genuine love towards each other its not rape or something it is legal and yes Zayn does have Perrie but things can change" Louis shakes his head.

"Sleep Lexi" He simply say, she tries to fight against it but shes tired and shes fought enough for one day and night so she gives in.

Lexi is woken by harsh tugs on her shoulder.

"Wake te fuck up Lexi, We're at te hotel and teres not a chance in hell tat im carryin ya up tose steps" Lexi blinks hazily and looks up to see a circle of faces staring down at her, Ellana is offering a warm grin as she wears her geeky glasses that make her eyes look even bigger than usual, next to her is a frustrated looking Niall, who's still trying to tug her limp body up and then theres Tyffany who is laughing and offering her hand and a smirking Louis who is on the phone, actually wait a second-

"Louis thats mine!" Lexi yells fully awake and already hopping out of the car and chasing a giggling Louis into the hotel, the others run after them groaning.

Inside the massive room Lexi stares out the window gently holding her hand against it and wondering where Liam wa, fighting the urge she had to text him, her tears matched the rain outside and the city lights just made everything look more tragic as she watches the traffic drive into a black sheet of darkness that was the night sky.

"Babe cmon you know I cant stand seeing you like this" Ellana says cuddling Lexi and staring out of the window with her as she gently strokes her hair.

"I feel so weak and I hate it" Lexi mumbled into Ellanas cosy pyjama top shoulder.

"It wont last forever Lexi, its just a small fall out you'll be back in each others arms before you know it, its destiny and nothing can destroy destiny Lex" I smile up at Ellana she really didnt seem like a 13 year old.

"Things seem to be going well for you and Zayn though" Lexi said as she stared into the kitchen thoughtfully watching Zayn and Harry make dinner.

"Do they?" Ellana says pulling a face.

"Well I thought so yeah, are they not then?" Ellana sighs and looks down at the ground.

"Its a big age gap and I couldnt give him the things he wants not yet anyway besides I dont know why I'm even thinking about it, he's with Perrie and she's better than me, I mean she even has a cuter name!" Ellana tries to joke but still seems upset Lexi hugs her tighter.

"Ellana is the most beautiful,unique name I've ever heard, what are you on about it not being cute, you sound like Louis and I'll tell you what I said to Louis, things can change Ellana, I think Zayn would be willing to wait for things if he loved you" Ellana looks at me with a thoughtful expression on her face when suddenly a bang is heard and Liam walks in.

Lexi stares worriedly and starts to walk away when Ellana grabs her hand and keeps her in place she's giving Liam a stern look, Lexi notices how bad Liam looks broken and tired and he has red bloodshot eyes like he cried all night and day, his hair is a mess flopping down onto his forehead and going in all directions and he really needs to shave, he looks at us then walks straight past, nudging Ellana as he does so the boys give him dissapointed looks and he looks back sending Lexi a desperate, upset and yet angry look over his shoulder, the boys grab him and start getting him ready.

The girls take their seats next to Perrie, Eleanor and the boys families, as they wait for the boys to come on stage and start the show, Perrie is glaring at Ellana who shuffles uncomfortably at Perries glare and keeps her eyes directed at the ground, Lexi moves forward and blocks Perries glare allowing Ellana to move more freely and comfortably, the boys all walked on stage and Harry yelled out to the crowd before they started singing Live While We're Young.

The fans kept leaving early and there was nothing the boys could do to make them stay and the reason the fans were leaving was because Liam kept messing his words up and dancing out of time with the boys, replying bitterly and slowly to the fans questions, soon the girls and the families were the only ones left in the crowd, before anyone could say anything Liam ran off stage burying his face in his hands, the paps were smirking and flashing cameras everywhere, the boys all stared blinded and when the paps were done embarrassing them and had left, the boys sat down on the stage and Louis broke down crying, Lexi sighed sadly before running outside to try and find Liam.

A few hours later Lexi finds Liam sat alone drinking and smoking on the pier, staring into the sea and crying quietly to himself, Lexi gasps and rushes over but just as she does so Liam jumps up and turns, Lexi thinks he's going to walk towards her and so she stops running and calling his name, as she gets closer she realises Liam's eyes are closed and his feet are right on the edge of the pier as Lexi realises what is happening her eyes widen and she tries running forward.

"LIAM!!!" She cries at the top of her lungs as Liam opens his eyes he loses his footing and just when he sorts himself out Lexi thinks it will be alright but then as she comes towards him he whispers:

"No! Don't...Stop it Lexi, just leave me, I'm so sorry" Lexi shakes her head in tears and frozen to the spot scared that if she moves any closer Liam will jump, Suddenly lights are flashing everywhere and she hears the boys calling for Liam and the girls crying, she turns slightly as Liam looks over, when she turns back Liam is tumbling in the air falling from a great height into crashing waves, big enough to kill Liam, drowning him and making it brutally painful as Lexi realises what is happening, she rushes forward screaming at the top of her lungs,she hears people running and ambulance sirens sounding then someone is holding Lexi back as she thrashes against them sobbing until her throat is raw, it hurt but she wouldnt stop as she fell to her knees in tears

And then Liam hit the water and...Everything went silent...

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