You Know You Taught Me Love Part 8 Of The Sequel.

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  • Dedicated to Lexi Sobrian

Its the last day on tour in Las Vegas before the girls go home to start their new lives with One Direction and so everything is a little bit hectic as they run around packing things up, Alexis is making the girls breakfast and the boys are still asleep so the girls have double the work of packing all their bags up too, Naomi sighs and then grins at where the boys are all asleep in one big bed, Lexi stops packing looking at them confused as does Tyffany and Naomi nods to Ellana who nods back and then they both jump on to the boys and Lexi and Tyffany burst out laughing as Alexis pokes her head round the door.






Naomi and Ellana roll around laughing as the boys all groan underneath them, Naomi then turns to Harry as she falls on top of him and he pulls her next to him under the covers.

"Thats what you get for waking me and Ellana up early" She whispers catching his bottom lip with her thumb and he smiles kissing her quickly.

"Well great thanks a lot, Now I can't sleep" Harry says as he turns and Louis is smiling and jumping on the bed in his superman onesie congratulating the girls, which is when Liam gets up and pushes Louis to the floor before Liam falls back into bed, muttering shut the fuck up, Zayn is snuggling Ellana close to him and kissing her head and smiling as he closes his eyes and she stares up at him gently tracing the tattoo's on his chest as she admires his sleeping form and snuggles into his chest, Niall rolls his eyes and jumps out of bed running to the kitchen and grabbing about a billion snacks as he starts to help Tyffany pack, Harry gets up and helps Louis off the floor and Alexis grabs him getting Louis to help her make breakfast as Harry and Naomi start to pack, Lexi groans realising she's going to have to get Liam up.

"Wake up, sleeping beauty" She whispers into his ear with a smirk and Liam grins pulling her down next to him and then moving so his body is over her's as he leans down to kiss her when she screams surprised to be pulled into bed.

"You really think I'm beautiful when I sleep?" Liam says with big sparkly brown eyes and Lexi catches her breath smiling.

"I think you're beautiful 24/7 Liam James Payne" Liam grins and pretends to flip his hair and Lexi rolls her eyes before pushing him off her.

"I also think that you're a PAYNE in the ass who needs to help me pack all your clothes away" Liam grins and puts his hand over Lexi's mouth kissing his hand and she gives him puppy dog eyes so he moves his hand and kisses her nose and shoulders, She pulls him out of bed and he quickly starts to get dressed before helping her pack away.

Alexis and Louis make the table and they all sit down and complement Alexis on her cooking, she blushes and says shutup they flatter her too much and they all grin and Niall gives her a massive hug saying she's an angel which Tyffany gets a little edgy at until Niall says Tyffany was better than an angel and then she forgave him pretty quick.

"So what should we do today? Last day here we gotta make it count" Zayn says flicking through the little leaflets in the hotel room saying which places are best to go to.

"Well if we're gonna make today count then we have to do like 3 things or something, make the day last longer" Ellana quickly coughs and straightens up.

"I know this is boring but you guys I have a request can we get me to a salon so I can get my hair restyled?" She said and Louis laughed as the others sighed and nodded.

"This is why you're perfect for Zayn" Louis said and Ellana grinned looking over at Zayn who kissed her all along her arm and she giggled wriggling away from him until he grabbed her back into his arms and made her sit on his lap.

"Alright so thats a part of the day what else do we do?" Lexi looks at one of the leaflets and then flips to a page and looks at the boys grinning.

"Whats a crack a lackin?" Niall said looking over Lexi's shoulder and she showed him the leaflet.

"I know somewhere we could go, Its this nice big field with a water park and we could walk the dogs and stuff and then theres like an ice cream parlour there and you can design your own ice creams it seems pretty cool" Liam grins and nods at Lexi's suggestion.

"Yeah, lets do that then thats like 3 in 1 right?" Niall said and we all agreed so we finished our breakfast pretty quick before Zayn and Ellana went to get Hatchi and Liam and Lexi went to collect Loki (Danielle didn't mind too much) .

"We really should get our own dogs" Liam says and the others quickly agree before hopping into a cab and getting to a salon.

Ellana and Lexi walk in and the boys and Tyffany and Naomi wait in the car as Ellana tells the woman what she wants, surprisingly Lexi doesn't have to wait for very long as the woman is done pretty quick, Ellana's new hair looks beautiful its like Jade Thirlwall's new hairstyle but its dirty blonde in the middle and then the rest of it is dark brown and its curly but kind of puffed up with a fringe going across Ellana's eye slightly, she grins as she pushes her beanie on to her head and we walk out as we step into the car, Ellana turns and Zayn is staring at her with his jaw practically on the floor and Louis is pushing his chin up, Ellana laughs and Zayn whispers.

"You" Ellana grins and says yeah that look is a good one and Louis gives her a high 5 zayn starts tickling her as revenge for being sarcastic and I sit holding Liam's hand and looking at the one ring he has, gently she places her hand on it and traces the outline of it, Liam smiles but says nothing just continues looking out the window and Niall and Tyffany were laughing as they played spot the mini.

They arrived at the destination and the dogs quickly ran off, Niall and Tyffany went straight to the ice cream parlour and started to set up, Louis dragged Alexis to the water park, Zayn and Ellana went chasing after Hatchi and Loki and Liam and Lexi decided to sit down on a hill where they could watch it all but relax at the same time, Lexi smiled at Liam.

"Who gave you the ring?" Lexi whispered and Liam smiled.

"When my grand dad passed away, he gave me this ring, its a long story a lot of history, but it means a lot to me" Lexi smiles at Liam's sweetness and cuddles close to him.

"Well its pretty, I like it" Liam laughs.

"Yeah its a little bit feminine gold and has flower patterns weaved on to it but all the same, I wear it because my grand dad and I did everything together he was like a dad to me when my dad wasn't there because i wasnt the boy he wanted me to be" Lexi looked at Liam sadly and kissed him carefully.

"Thats all the past now Li, everything is going to go perfect now" Liam nods and strokes Lexi's hair.

"Now that we're together I dont believe it could be anything less than perfect" He says leaning up to kiss Lexi again and she tilts her head to the side smiling when all of a sudden Niall yells that its ice cream time, they all run and meet each other and start to make their own couple ice creams and then have fights with the ice cream too, the people there are lovely and dont mind a bit they say thats what the ice cream was made for with a wink, eventually they pack up and the gang all sit staring at the sunset and eating the multi coloured rainbow frost ice creams that were left over before they get in the car and drive back to the hotel for the boys final tour to blow Las Vegas away and then in the morning they go home to a new start and it will be a perfect one.

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