You Know You Taught Me Love Part 3 Of The Sequel.

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  • Dedicated to Lexi Sobrian

Its the morning after the night on the beach and everyone decides that after having such a good night, whats the point in them leaving so quickly? The group decide to take a waltz around the little town right next to the beach and have a day out as the boys don't need to be back for tour until the night time, When they get Paul to call Harry and Naomi to tell them, They complain again.

"Oh forgodsake guys would you stop doing all the exciting things without us?! Its not fair! Im stuck here now because management wont drive me over to see you guys as they say Naomi needs to stay in the same place to keep her from falling ill again and im cooped up in the hotel, which I wouldnt mind if you guys didnt keep rubbing it in our faces that you're out and about doing things and having fun!" Harry takes a deep breath at the end of his speech and the group all mumble awkward apologies and Harry starts talking again when suddenly a girls voice comes booming through the phone and they all jump moving away quickly and holding their ears in agony.


"Well she sounds really ill, keep her in bed Harry, nope no way she could make it down here like that" Louis says sarcastically down the phone and Harry errupts into laughter on the other end of the phone, he tells Naomi to get dressed and he'll take her straight away and then informs them that he does have something else to do after all, so screw them all, they laugh and Paul ends the call.

Its a fun day out in town they shop, they play games at the arcade (discovering that they are all very competitive with each other and that means a load of playfights, and a lot of hiccups from too many tickle wars to try and get to a game before someone else), They then get to a coffee shop and sit down planning where else they should go, since they have a few more hours.

"Ellana you have a Caramel Frappucino, I know right thank me peasant I know you so well, I got all the rest of us chocolate as I found that we might find Caramel a bit too sweet" Louis says pulling a face.

"Well now I feel like the odd one out" Ellana says jokingly pouting her lips at Louis and he sighs and hands over cookies, as Zayn pulls Ellana closer and puts his arm around her, he's whispering something to her that none of the others quite catch and Lexi decides she'll have to talk to Ellana about that later.

"There ya faggot do you feel any better now we all have cookies?" Louis says sticking his tongue out at her she rolls her eyes and mouths to him that he's the faggot here and he nods his head laughing mouthing back yep I am, I so am.

"Alright enough fooling around, we're here for a reason, before the day ends, what are we gonna do?" Liam says eagerly.

"Alright calm ya tits Li, We'll take a vote, Who votes we go to Nandos?" Louis questions this and Niall raises his hand quickly, when he notices no one else has he gives Tyffany a pleading look and she shrugs quickly raising her hand too, Niall responds by kissing her on the cheek, which Tyffany grins at, the rest of us keep our hands down.

"Um why don't you guys want to?!" Niall says seeming partly outraged and partly upset.

"Well Niall babes I love that your adorably obsessed with Nandos, but I don't really like spicy things or chicken so I wouldn't be very into it" Ellana says shyly, Niall looks at her like she's mad then points to Zayn.

"Dude, I don't know I just feel like sitting around a table watching each other eat isnt going to really help us get to know each other" Niall gives Zayn a look that says really Zayn your a cunt and then he turns to Liam.

"Well Nialler, I don't know its just we spend half our lives in Nandos maybe we should try something different, that we dont do as much?" Niall opens his mouth then closes it again turning to Louis and Lexi.

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