-Chapter 8

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When I arrived home from work Niall was fast asleep. I took off my clothes and put on my pyjamas which consisted religiously of a pair of fluffy pyjamas bottoms and whatever top Niall had been wearing which he had thrown on the floor then. I picked up the shirt he had thrown on the floor and slipped it on along with the pyjama bottoms and then got into bed along with him.

I stroked his cheek gently when the dim light of the bathroom shone on his face and showed the tear tracks which were so evidently there. I sighed quietly and kissed his cheek before settling down under the covers next to him and lying on my side with my back to him.

I was barely lying there five minutes when he pulled me to a spooning position. I didn't mind. I love being close to him, I just hate that I upset him and can't keep him happy all the time. Who can keep anyone constantly happy? Nobody's perfect and everyone manages to fuck up sometimes and hurt someone else.

I woke up early the next morning to get back to work. When I went to stand up Niall's arms tightened around me. "No, don't go." He whispered, his fingers soon slipping up under the shirt of his I was wearing and they began caressing the skin on my hip, making the butterflies in my stomach begin to flutter. They were untameable.

"Niall, stop." I whispered back, looking over my shoulder at him.

"Why?" He questioned, his hand about to go lower but I gripped it.

"Niall, I have to go to work, we don't have time." I tell him. He sighed deeply in response and withdrew his hand.

"We never have time anymore." He quietly said, sitting up and looking down at his lap. I sighed deeply myself and ran a hand over my face. I know we never have time but I have to work for us, I mean, we need regular income, don't we?

"I'm sorry Niall but I have to work." I snap, more harshly than I intended to.

"You never texted me back last night." He softly said, looking up me through his eyelashes for an answer. I didn't know why, but all of a sudden I just wasn't in the mood.

"Niall for gods sake there's more important things in life than me texting you back I love you too or whatever you wanted me to text." I groan and stand up, pulling some clothes out of the wardrobe and going to the bathroom to change into them and do my hair and makeup as hastily as I possibly could.

When I came out Niall smiled softly at me from where he was sitting. He was feigning happiness. "You look beautiful, like always." He looked up at me shyly and then picked up his phone.

"Thank you." I quietly replied, although I'm not sure he heard me.

I picked up my bag then and made my way to the car, stopping on the way to pick up some coffee. I didn't have time for breakfast. When I arrived at my office Andrew immediately took me upstairs to the meeting room, telling me I had an extremely important meeting with someone. I sat there for about fifteen fruitless minutes, sipping on my coffee while no 'extremely important' person arrived.

I groaned then when my coffee was finished, coming back downstairs to Andrew. "What the hell? Nobody came." I look at him for answers. He shrugged and looked shocked.

"Oh god, I don't know they must be running late, go to your office, I'll call you when they arrive." He said, ushering me to my office where the blinds were pulled. I frowned but opened the door and when I did, I smiled brightly at what I was met with.

Niall's POV

"I love you." I whispered once I heard the door shut, meaning Jenny had left. I need to portray my love for her, show her I really do care. I called Andrew then and told him to distract Jenny when she arrived so I'd have time to set up what I had planned.

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