-Chapter 32

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Jenny's POV

I sat at my desk at work sullenly, looking through next month's box that was going to be released, not in the mood to do any work really. It's Niall's birthday in a few days, it's the first birthday I won't be spending with him in five years. Five whole years. It's a long time when you really think about it. Half a decade?

And I'm expected to get over it quickly? Pretend like nothing ever happened with him and just.. move on?

I sighed and turned back to my computer, trying to focus on work but I couldn't. I was too preoccupied with thoughts of Niall and that girl I know he's probably with now.. whoever she is.

Andrew came in then with some coffee, handing me some and sitting down on my desk. "Hey Jen, how are you?" He asked, running a hand through his hair.

"Alright." I lied.

"I know you're not, you can't even focus on work... maybe you should go home?" He suggested. No, no. Home is the last place I want to be, if I have any chance of forgetting about Niall it's here. Home has too many reminders of our relationship, far too many.

"No, I'm fine here." I responded, sipping on my coffee and turning back to my computer again. He nodded unsurely and sighed, not speaking again and just leaving me to it. I knew he didn't know how to help me.

I don't even know how to help myself.

Niall's POV

"Can't we go out today?" Laura whined, wrapping her arms around my neck. I nibbled on my lip as I thought about it, only for a spilt second.

"No." I quickly replied. I do not want people to see the two of us together.. not yet anyways, not until things get serious. I don't want to cause Jenny any unnecessary pain.

"Why not." She whined, stomping her foot against the ground. Jeez, what a diva.

"Cause." I kissed her on the nose. "I just wanna stay in today." I swayed back and forth with her as Arabella babbled away from the ground beneath us, hitting Laura quite hard may I add, with one of her plastic toy animals.

"Ow." She whined, grabbing her ankle and looking down at Bella offended. I just chuckled fondly and picked her up. She squealed to be put down then and once she was she crawled over to her toy bin before falling.

"She crawled for the first time!" I exclaimed while Laura just watched unamused. She didn't understand the pride I felt right now. If Jenny was here, she would of been just as ecstatic as I was.

Then it hit me, Jenny missed one of our child's milestones, she didn't get to see her crawl for the first time. She missed out on that, just like I missed out on Arabella eating for the first time and sitting up for the first time.

It feels like a constant battle of who's going to see the milestones? Who's going to have to lose, and miss out on seeing them. It kind of saddens me to think of it. We're both missing out on half our child's life. I wish life wasn't like this, but it is what it is.

Laura and I stayed home all day and the next day she began whining to go out again. I sighed deeply, running a hand over my face. God, this bitch does not get it, does she?

"Laura, we can't go out okay." I sighed and she glowered at me.

"Why not." She snapped.

"I don't want us to be seen together!" I exclaimed. "I'm a public figure, I don't want to be seen out with another woman when I'm not even divorced yet!" I exclaimed.

"Oh of course, you need to look good." She folded her arms. God, she just doesn't get it does she? I'm not about to ruin my reputation for her. I don't want to be seen as the asshole who left his wife for another woman because I know that's how the press will see it. They will automatically assume I was cheating with Laura so now that's why we're kind of dating. They don't know what's gone on between Jenny and I.

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