-Chapter 26

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A/N Surprise surprise early update :))) 

Niall's POV

"Louis we can't do this." I hissed as I held Bella to my chest. "Jenny would kill me if she knew we were doing this." 

"Niall, all you have to is distract her and I will do the rest." Louis said. "I know you're a shit actor because well, we all saw iCarly." He chuckled earning a glare from me. "But this is for your marriage so you'd best step up." He patted me on the back. 

"Louis." I whined and looked over at I'm like 'do I have to do this?' 

"Come on, I'll stay out here." He said going behind a bush. "You distract her," He popped his head up so I could see him. "I'll run in then and try find the footage of you and her, I'll text you or something  when I'm done and then you can make up an excuse to go." He said to me and I nodded. We are actual tits, I don't know how this could ever work. 

"Okay but if we get caught, we're both going down." 

"Hey you have a baby, they won't be hard on you when you have a baby." He smiled and nudged me while I looked down at Arabella who was sleeping with her head rested on my shoulder. 

"I can't believe I'm going to do this." I sighed, shaking my head. 

"Just pretend like you're in a movie and it's starting in three, two one." Louis disappeared then while I frowned. I shrugged and walked to the door, knocking on it and surely enough Karen answered. 

"I didn't expect to see you again." She smiled, undoing a button on her shirt. Classy, but her boobs are nothing compared to Jenny's. Jenny's boobs are just s- My thoughts were cut short when Karen asked me what I wanted. 

"Uh- oh yeah!" I forgot what I was meant to say for a minute. "Uh, I'm here with the baby on my own and oh my God is she okay? She looked like she wasn't breathing and I didn't know what to do." 

There was silence between us for a few minutes as she looked between the baby and I. "She looks fine to me." She says and I bite on my lip. 

"No, no she like - she seemed to be uh.. oh no her nappy needs changing, can I take her inside?" I questioned which earned an odd glance from Karen. 

"Alright." She slowly said and started walking inside. I held the door open for a few seconds before Louis caught it, following Karen to her office then, closing the door behind me so she couldn't see if Louis walked past. 

"So what's her name?" Karen asked. 

"Arabella." I responded.

"I'm a Bella?"

"No, you're not a Bella, she's a Bella."

"Oh, so she's a Bella?"

"Yes, Arabella." I frowned slightly, a little confused. 

I laid Arabella down on the couch while Karen watched over my shoulder as I changed her. "Her nappy was dry." She mumbled when I was finished and tying the nappy bag. 

"No it wasn't." I quickly respond. "It was wet."

"Niall, I saw it, it was dry. What's wrong with you?" She asked just as we heard one of the doors slam, obviously Louis. 

"What was t-" Karen was going to ask what it was but I cut her off. 

"Oh my God look at Bella, quick look she isn't breathing." I say and Karen looked over my shoulder at me. We both looked down at her as she put her fingers in her mouth and gurgled. Can't this kid help me out and pretend she can't breathe. 

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