-Chapter 15

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"Jenny! Happy Christmas!" Niall smiled, coming and hugging me tightly. "I love you." He whispered, pressing his lips to my forehead gently.

"I love you too." I giggled and kissed him gently. I was so excited to give him his Christmas present, for once, I know he's going to absolutely love it.

"Are we gonna do presents now?!" He fundamentally squealed like a girl. I chuckled but I nodded and went upstairs to retrieve the perfectly wrapped petite box I had for Niall. I came downstairs only to find him standing there with Joanna and Marcus.

"Jenny!" Joanna squealed and ran to me, pulling me into a tight embrace. I squealed and hugged her back.

"What are you doing here?" I exclaimed, pulling back and smiling down at her. I rarely see her anymore, not since she began college.

"With your Christmas present." She rolled her eyes an held up a bag. I smiled brightly and looked over at Niall, wondering if he knew she was coming here today with Marcus because his face was holding a smug smile.

"Go get her presents." I said to Niall who nodded and went to retrieve hers and Marcus' gifts. "How's college?" I asked her, smiling as we sat down together and she began blabbering on about how much she loves college, more because of the freedom she has there now without mom hovering over her constantly.

I thanked Niall when he came back with their gifts, handing me them. "Now I didn't wrap these so excuse the sloppy wrapping paper." I chuckle, handing Marcus and Joanna their gifts. I'd been to busy to wrap the present, so Niall filled in on my task. Considering he's a boy he didn't do to atrocious of a job.

"Hey, I wrapped them better than you ever could." He folded his arms and stuck his tongue out at me which just made me roll my eyes at him.

"Is that why there is a rip in mine and I can see it's a new pair of hair curlers?" Joanna raised an eyebrow at Niall and started giggling quietly.

"N-no, that ripped after I wrapped it." Niall defended, which in turn just made me roll my eyes again.

"Of course it did." I patted his arm and chuckled while Joanna ripped off the rest of the paper and then tanked me profusely before handing Niall and I our gifts.

I thanked her and hugged her once I had opened my gifts and then watched Niall open his, before he went and hugged her as well, thanking her for his gift.

"You got me a better gift than Jenny." He started laughing, looking over at me. Wait until he sees it, he won't be saying that.

"You haven't even gotten your gift from me yet." I rolled my eyes and looked over at him.

"Speaking of it, when am I getting it?" He asked, raising his eyebrows which made me slap his forearm.

"Patience Niall, be patient." I told him and he literally whined. He whined because I wouldn't give him his gift. He is literally a man-child and there your argument is invalid.

"I want it now." He buried his face in my neck, looking up at me through his eyelashes and pouting then.

"Here." Marcus chuckled and handed the two of us our gifts. I smiled and pushed Niall off me then so I could open my gift from him. Once we opened them and thanked Marcus we just sat and chatted until Joanna said she had to go home because she was spending Christmas with mom and Marcus.

"Thanks for coming." I smiled and hugged her and Marcus before leading them to the door and waving to them as Marcus drove out the doorway.

I was soon joined by Niall behind me who had his hands on my hips and was whispering in my ear, asking when he could have his gift.

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