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I sat on the couch in base just flicking through the channels for lack of something better to do, Miko was sitting next to me equally board. "Ugggg this is lame when are we gonna go do something?!??!" She practically yelled which earned a glare from Doc Bot. I shrugged and landed on the monster truck rally channel "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" I asked as we slowly looked over to one another

"MONSTER TRUCK RALLY!!!!!!" We yelled in unison "Would you two keep it down! I'm trying to work!" Doc yelled at us, we just shrugged and walked over to Bulk "Ooohhh Bulky, do ya mind taking Miko and I to a monster truck rally?" I asked in my sweetest voice

"Uuummmm, I don't know NorthStar. Optimus did say not to let you leave the base."  he said as he nervously scratched the back of his head, I looked over to see of Doc was watching the made a gesture for bulk to come closer"But Prime doesn't have to know!" I whisper with a smirk similar to that of a Decepticon

    Jacky some how over herd our conversation and walked over "Come on bulk! Let the kid go can't keep her cooped up in here forever!" he whisper yelled I just smiled cheekily. He sighed and transformed as did Jacky, Miko and I smiled victoriously as we snuck to our rides

~~~~~~~~~~~Time skip~~~~~~~~~

    The rally was AWESOME!!!!!! Skull Crusher won just like Miko said she would and yes she not he.

    I was ridding with Jacky when he suddenly hit the gas, I had to cling to the seat when he made a sharp turn I looked back to see Bulk was right on our tail the Con's too! The one and only BreakDown and KO where on us like stink on a wart hog!

"Oh WheelJack, I think you have something that belongs to us!" KO said in a mocking voice "The only thing I have for you is a knuckle sandwich con!!" He yelled right back

   Then it hit me the only thing they could possibly be

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