True Fellings

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Right now we are on the roof both of them look nervous which doesn't make me feel better "Why the frag have you two been acting like this lately?!??" I finally snapped I can't hide my feelings anymore!

"ALL YOU TWO HAVE BEEN DOING IS BICKERING AND NETHER OF YOU ARE ACTING LIKE ADLTS, STOP ACTING LIKE A SPARKLING AND TRY TO GET ALONG!!!!!!" They both looked shocked "I try and try but I-it's never enough, you two aren't making things a-any easier!! For ONCE just STOP and try to get along that's all I want...........*sniff* I just want everyone to be happy."

They both came over and hugged me as I let it all out we are all on the ground at this point, my mother and father never did anything but fight I just wanted us to be happy to be a family again! And now I've got a new one and I don't want to lose that too

"You won't loose us, we promise." They both said I hadn't even realized that I had said that out loud "Thanks." I whispered as we all sat and watched as the sun went down bringing back the night I love so much

    And in the night my favorite star, SpeedDaemon's

Sorry it's so short I just have been trying to keep up with three books at once and school work which isn't too bad but still, hope ya can forgive me. 😅

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