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     'Not this again I thought as I floated in "the void" as I like to call it, it seams something always goes for the weird when I get here.

    Suddenly two flashes of light blind me for a second before I'm able to see again and before me stood two MASSIVE Cybertronians!! One with a glow of blue the other a glow of purple

    "Greetings NorthStar." the blue one spoke "Uuuuuu hi." I waved with a dumfounded look "Given that stupid look on your face you probly have no idea why we are here." the purple one said sounding annoyed

    "Little bit, ya." I said as I regained my composure "We are here to present you with a gift of sorts." the Blue one continued as he knelt down and touched my helm "Here you will find my gift, you will know it when you see it." he said before the other knelt down and proceeded to lightly smack my helm

    "This will guide you to my gift." he said simply as I rubbed the back of my helm "Ok cool but one question, why?" I asked "Simply put you in fact could decide the outcome of the war, but know this with the power you posses comes a greater responsibility. Your actions from this point forward can affect the world Meh ch more than you have ever dreamed." the blue one said

    "Don't let it go to your helm your by no means are you immortal, but don't disappoint me. Survive."


    I shot up my optics wide with a short gasp earning a worried look from Prime "NorthStar is everything alright?" he asked as numbers and symbols flashed across my vision

    I got up and rushed over to doc "Hey Doc can I use your computer for a sec?" I asked he sighed but complied as soon As he put me down I plugged up my laptop and began to type like a mad man

His optics widened as he watched the screen "By the AllSpark, Optimus!" he said as Prime walked over, he studied the screen intently "NorthStar where did you get this information from?" he asked and I shrugged "I saw it in a dream." I stated simply before I open a ground bridge

"JACKY, JAZZ Y'ALL ARE COMEN WITH ME!!!!!" I yelled as they rushed in, "Where to?" Jazz asked as he transformed "Not sure but my brain knows where to go." I said before we sped through the bridge Jacky fallowing close behind

As soon as we came out of the bridge I took control he didn't ask questions and I'm glad he didn't, we soon pulled up to a shrine logged in rocks and I just knew this was it. The chaos bringer's gift.

    "No way." Jacky said after I got out and they transformed, I transformed into my battle armor and pulled out an arrow. He would not tell me to survive if there is nothing to survive from.

I shot an arrow onto the stairs and they collapsed "Well then." I said as I backed up getting in a running pose "What are you-" Jacky didn't get to finish that sentence before I ran up the thick slope like a child would a slide and jumped into the shrine

As soon as I took one step into the shrine it started to rumble at the end I saw a sword "Am I really doing this!" I said before sprinting over to the sword having to doge falling rocks along the way

    But before I could react the floor fell out from under me, but I WILL


Sorry it took so long a bit of writers block 😅

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