Dancin With Jazz

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    After I got the a ok from Ratchet I decided to go explore the bace, lo and behold they had a big spare room with my name all over it! Plus I graduated senior year! I deserve a party (Yes I changed the ages of the humans to have graduated high school DEAL WITH IT!!!!) and it happens to be my birthday so I can proudly say I'm 19!

    As I set up my speaker I decided to play one of my fave songs to dance to, I LIKE IT LOUD!!! As the speakers began to thump my hips began to move and soon I was dancing I can't be classy but I can be fun!! I wasn't aware when a few bots came in so I let the music continue to move me

"Wow the chick can dance!" I herd before a bot I've never seen came in and started breaking it down with me "SWEET MOVES DUDE!!" I yelled over the music as we danced "Your not to bad yo self girly!" He said before the song ended

He knelt down so he could look at me "The names Jazz lile lady nice to meet ya!" He said as he extended a finger for me to shake and I did "NorthStar!" I said simply, I didn't even see Jacky there until he cleared his throat.

    "Oh hey Jacky, what's up!" I say with a smile as I walk over to him before he scooped me up and puts me on his shoulder "You are." He said with a smirk

I gently hit his head in what probably felt like a flick "Your a dork." I chuckled.

"So WheelJack this pretty thing your charge?" Jazz asked as he poked me making me giggle "Try partner." I said with a smirk

"Oh so you and bomb bot are partners, never thought you would get yo self a partner specially not a human!" He exclaimed "What ya like her or sumpthin?" He teased as Jacky set me down

Next thing I know their on the floor fighting, Bee walked by but soon backed up and picked me up with a 'let's get out of here look'

One question remained, "What was that about?!?"

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