Chapter 11

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It had been just over 2 weeks since I had last saw Robert. I was coming up to the end of my contract on the movie and many of the cast were doing their last scenes. It felt strange that I'd only spent a few months working for them but it felt like more of a lifetime. Especially after some of the brilliant people I have met.

It was a typical Friday night, I was planning on spending it infront of the TV and consuming my body weight in pizza. When all of a sudden my phones notification alarm went off. I bent over the side of the bed, aiming my hand into the general direction of my nightstand. At last my fingertips grazed the outline. I picked it up and swiftly turned it around, a text message sat waiting for me. 'Rob' "Hey, Alice! What ya doing?" Not wanting to walk into a trap I texted back with a nonchalant "Why?" 

It hadn't even been a minute but my screen flashed yet again with a "Look out of your window, bumhead." I laughed, hopped off my bed and proceeded with caution to the window. Outside of my house was his car, parked but still with the headlights on. He lay spread out on the bonnet. He did a fancy little wave when he saw me. I couldn't help but laugh at him.

I signalled to him that I'd be two minutes. I put a hoody over my tank top and kept my shorts on, I just slipped on a pair of trainers and bounded down the stairs. I left the house and walked cooly over to Robert. "Hello you!" He slid down the bonnet and took him into his arms. "Hello yourself," I replied. He winked, "fancy seeing you here!" I laughed at his playfullness. He opened the passenger door for me and then proceeded to get into the car himself.

After a half an hour drive we pulled up outside of a quiet looking neighbourhood. He parked his car infront of a large house, gold trimming around the edges of the windows and doors. It looked magnificent. "Fancy coming inside?" He placed his hand on my shoulder. "I don't mean it in a pervy way!" He quickly added. "Oh, really?" I pouted and he squeezed my shoulder a little tighter. "Well, maybe if you're a good girl!"

Before I knew it he was out of the car and around to the passenger side quicker than lightening. He opened the door for me and instead of holding his hand out to allow me to get out of the car. He just picked me up and flung me over his shoulder. "HI HO SILVER AWAy!"

My fists pounded his back. My legs kicked out at all angles possible. "For a woman your size, you are making this so much more harder than I had anticipated." I just kept on hitting and kicking until eventually he plonked me down at the front door. 

"How about once we get inside, you find a movie, I'll order some food and we will just have a lovely night in enjoying each others company?" He smiled at me with a boyish grin. I smiled back, "that would be wonderful, it was what I had planned to do on my own anyway, at least the company is better."

This made his smile even bigger. Eventually he opened the door and led me inside. The hallway was huge, the staircase spiralled slightly up to the bedrooms. The kitchen was to the left and the living area was at the right. "If you head on in to the living room I'll fetch us some drinks." 

I wandered off. The living room was just as equally as big as the stairway, probably even bigger. The carpets were red, they sprang as I stepped on them. It felt luxurious even though i had trainers on. There was a massive corner sofa infront of the television and beside that a ceiling to wall DVD shelf. Full to the brim of DVDs.

I scanned them all, tracing my finger along the ones I could reach without stretching, when I heard footsteps behind me. I turned to see Robert entering the room with a bottle of coke under his arm and two glasses in his hands. "I hope cola is okay with you?" I nodded, turning my attention back to the DVDs.

Suddenly I felt a presence behind me, his hands found my hips and his lips found my neck. His kisses were soft and subtle. It made me shiver. They didn't last very long however as he threw me onto the sofa. "Have you managed to pick a DVD yet? Or are you just going to take all night!" He huffed playfully.

"OH, calm down Mr Grumpy Gills. It's not as if I have taken over an hour. Impatient." I teased back. He swungs his legs over my body and pinned me down by sitting on my thighs. "I'm impatient? I'M IMPATIENT? I will have you know that I waited 20 minutes outside, draped sexually over my car. AND it was raining... RAINING!" 

I glared up at him, "it couldn't have been anymore than 10 minutes actually!" 

He pouted, leant his face closer to mine and whispered into my ear. "After tonight we will see who the impatient one is!"

A Stranger Twist Of Fate -- Robert Downey JrWhere stories live. Discover now