Chapter 13

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We made our way down to the living room. His hand didn't leave mine, I felt so giddy, like an over excited teen with her first crush. I looked at my phone to check the time. It was almost one in the morning and I was pretty sure he'd want to go to bed soon. "I'm sorry that I've stayed this long Robert, you must want to go to bed." He looked up from the bit of pizza he was dissecting. "Oh, do you want to leave? You could stay here if you want?" His puppy dog eyes looked sad at the fact I was offering to leave. Deep down in the pit of my stomach I knew I should leave but I couldn't bring myself to. I wanted to stay with him. "Of course I'll stay."

He jumped up from where he was sitting and started to dance frantically. "We are having a sleep over. We are having a sleep over." I laughed at how cute he was. "Yes, yes we are!" His eyes lit up. "But where will I sleep?" He raised his eyebrows at me and smiled. I chuckled and shook my head. "Typical, you think just because you have asked me to spend the night then I should spend it in your room, in your bed and beside you." The smile on his face wavered for a moment until he realised I was joking with him. 

"Do you want to know one thing... It's a secret... But you Miss Alice have me whipped. I just want to please you!" I smiled, "you sir are just saying that because you can!" He raised an eyebrow at me, he crossed the room and took my hands into his. "I guess that you will never know!" I wrapped my arms around his neck, "I'm unsure if I'd want to know actually, if I make you feel that way imagine what you do to me." I kissed his lips gently and then wandered aimlessly around his living room.

"I'm sorry Miss Alice but I do what to you?" I shook my head, pursing my lips as if to signal I wouldn't tell him. "Hey, do you have any good tunes in this place or what?" 

After about 30 minutes of choosing music we eventually found something good to listen to. We danced around like children for what seemed like hours when the genre of music changed suddenly. The beats mellowed out and everything became soulful and slow. He crossed the room to me, his hands outstretched. "May I have this dance?" His grin looked cheesy but I didn't care. He wanted to dance with me and I wanted to dance with him.

I nodded, "but mind I can't dance!" He just giggled, took me into his arms, pressed me firmly against his body and began dancing. Surprisingly I managed to keep up and only almost fell twice.

He dipped me down towards the ground and his face got closer to mine. His lips just inches away. I knew what was coming and I knew where it would lead. "Rob, I think I might head to bed!" He sighed, pulled me back up and nodded. "Actually, that is a plan and a half, I think we should."

He took my hand and led me up the stairs again, "I'll take the spare room, you can have mine." He kissed my cheek, "Sweet dreams Alice." He turned to walk away, I placed my hand on his shoulder. "Rob, don't go. Stay with me tonight. Please?"

His eyes widened as he turned back to face me. "Are you sure?" I just nodded. Took hold of his eyes and closed his bedroom door behind us. My heart thumping in my chest. My first time was going to be with Robert Downey JR

A Stranger Twist Of Fate -- Robert Downey JrWhere stories live. Discover now