Chapter 12

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We had managed to pick out a movie after a lot of arguing and childish bickering. Unfortunately, the bickering had ended up in a poke war. I poked his collarbone he poked my ribs. Even though he said he was being gentle, it still hurt to breathe and I could still feel where his fingertip jabbed into my side.

I sat across from Robert on the long sofa, my legs crossed under me. After what seemed like hours my stomach began to growl. "Fancy some food now?" I nodded. He got up off the sofa and made his way to the kitchen, just before he got there he stopped. turned on his heel and looked over at me. "Any specific kind of Pizza or is it all good?" "Nothing with fish or fruit... Fruit should never be added to savoury!!" He laughed, turned around and left.

I turned back towards the TV, I was starting to get intrigued, this movie wasn't all that bad. I zoned out. Letting myself get carried away with the movie. That however was the biggest mistake I could have ever made. The next thing I knew was that I was no longer on the sofa but on the floor with a very heavy Robert Downey Jr on top of me. He had snuck in from the kitchen, ran at me and tackled me to the floor.

"Excuse me! Do you mind?" I huffed. He was actually pretty damn heavy. He just stuck his tongue out as far as it would go and got closer to my face. I realised what he was about to do, I couldn't let this happen. But it was and I had no defence. I couldn't stop it. His face inched closer to mine, I could feel the warmth of his tongue. I squirmed, shook my head as much as I could to avoid his drool attack.

However, this was to no avail. He still managed to lick up the entire left side of my face. He pulled his tongue back inside of his mouth and just sat there looking smug. "What the absolute hell?! Do you think you're being funny?!" He just sat there, still straddling me but looking shocked. "I'm so sorry, I thought you would have seen the funny side of this." He actually looked a little hurt. A huge grin spread across my face, his shocked expression changed to something that resembled confusion. I pulled his head down and swiped my tongue clean across his face.

Laughter errupted from his throat, he pushed himself off me and lay at my side. "I don't make a habbit of licking peoples faces but you are the first to have that reaction. When I did this to Tom I'm pretty sure I saw a little tear escape his eye. He was possitively freaked out.. It was brilliant!!" I giggled at the thought of Robert pinning down Tom so that he could lick his face. At this point he just reminded me of a very small but strong puppy. You know the types who can knock you over and once you're on the ground they just lick the absolute shit out of your face?

He propped himself up on his elbow, his expression calm and his eyes fixed on mine. "I have to say one thing though. It's so nice to hang out with someone who isnt constantly reminding me that they are hanging out with Robert Downey Jr! I feel more relaxed with you." I smiled up at him, "you're just a normal person. Nothing special." He pouted, his brown eyes looked so sad. "But I am special! How dare you say I'm not.. I'm ROBERT FREAKING DOWNEY JR for god sake!" I chuckled at him, "I can't win with you, can I?" He shook his head.

He placed his hand on my cheek, bent his head down slowly. His lips touched mine gently, as if a bit cautious of how I'd react. I kissed him back, a little more forcefully, mentally telling him I was accepting. His hand moved from my cheek down to my neck, his thumb circled my jaw as he deepened the kiss. In one swift movement he was no longer lying beside me he was hovering over head. Clearly he understood how much he was crushing me beforehand.

I lifted my head slowly, putting my hands down on the ground to push myself further up. He got the hint and moved back. Never breaking the kiss. His hands wandered to my hips and he managed to pull me onto his lap. His arms wrapped around me, pulling me in closer. My hands found their way up into his hair. It was so soft.

I loved this moment, it was like we belonged. I fit perfectly into his arms and his lips fit perfectly on mine. I never thought love like this existed, I thought it was just a myth, just something Walt Disney told little girls through movies and books. But no, it existed. It existed in this moment, the moment I was sharing with Robert, the moment we were sharing together. Did he feel it too? Or has he had many moments like this before me?

My thoughts were broken by Robert tugging at my top. That moment was also ruined by the doorbell going and Robert huffing, "This better be an emergency, you better be dying!!" He shouted to the person who was interrupting rudely by ringing the doorbell. A small voice shouted back at him, "No. Sorry Mr Downey, I'm not, but I have your pizza!"

I giggled at what sounded like a young teenage boy appologising to Robert for not dying at his front door. I got up off of Robert to allow him to answer the door. He huffed and puffed as he got up off the floor and shuffled all the way to the door. He was polite to the young boy outside, handing over the money and thanking him. He put the pizza on the table and signalled for me to take his hand. "I believe we weren't finished." I reached out my hand and he led me up the stairs. Into his room, yet again it was large. The carpet was a royal blue and the bed just looked magnificent.

He gently layed me down, and we began where we left off. His hands soon found the bottom of my top again, with one quick movement the top was cast aside and thrown onto his floor. My fingers fumbled with his shirt, he did the same trick to his as he did to mine. That too landed on the floor. we carried on kissing, but this time it wasn't just lips. He kissed down my neck to my collarbone, along my collarbone and back up the otherside of my neck. I nibbled and kiss his collarbone making him gasp. My hands traced every part of him they could. His smooth back, his strong arms, and his chest.

We both came up for air gasping slightly. "Alice, I don't want you to think I only brought you here for this!" I shook my head, "that thought had never crossed my mind!" He smiled at me, that beautiful cheeky grin. "How about we go finish our pizza?" I giggled, "don't you mean start it?"

A Stranger Twist Of Fate -- Robert Downey JrWhere stories live. Discover now