The Sisters of Good and Bad

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I stared at the board waiting for the stupid teacher to come, who was late like always. I smirked as I decided to have a little fun. I crumpled a piece of homework and threw it at Dash's head.

"Hey!"  He shouted as the ball hit him.

"What did wittleDashy get huurrt," I said using my baby voice.

"OHH IT'S ONNNN," He shouted at me.

Two minutes passed and the whole class was involved. With all the fun we didn't notice Ms. Brick come through the door.

"BANG!" That was the sound we heard as Ms. Brick's metre ruler collided with her desk.

"WHAT IS GOING ON HERE," She screamed glaring at everyone and boy was her glare creepy

I whispered to Shane my best friend in crime, "Is it just me or is Ms. Brick eye popping out?"

Which quickly got Shane giggle which soon turned into a loud outburst of laughing. Obliviously she hadn't noticed how loud she really was laughing.

"Is there a problem Grete" She said glaring.

I couldn't help it I started laughing too. One because she was glaring directly at us so we could see how it was popping out and second because she pronounced Shane's last name as Great. I guess she really bought it when Shane told her name was Shane Great, or The great Shane.

Wiping the tears out of my eyes I finally stopped laughing.

"Now would you like to share with the class what is so interesting," She dared.

"Well do you want us too?" I asked biting down on my tongue to keep from laughing again.

"Which don't you tell us so we can all laugh about it," she spat.

Yeah so we can aallllll laugh about it.

"Okay then," I started trying to sound nervous," When Ms. Brick glares her eyes pops out!"

With that I started having a laughing fit as I saw everyone's eyes to shift to see Ms. Brick glaring at me.

A loud sound came from our class first small little waves soon becoming a tidal wave. The class bell rang and the best part was we didn't learn anything! I grabbed my bag and started to walk out. As Shane and I laughed non stop the whole way to the next class.


Shane and I headed to our usual lunch table meeting Dan, Stacy, Jessica, and Fin. I quickly moved to sit, by Fin who was one of my best friends.

Shane started talking about the eye popping story while I explained our plan that involved bad eggs on Mr. Henry’s window.  This was going to be great! I grabbed my bag and we all headed outside of the grounds and huddled so I could tell them further instructions.

“Okay! Dan and Stacy you two throw the eggs, Shane keep watch, Fin and I will go up to Mr. Henry and get him to pop out of the window,” I whispered.

Everyone got to their stations as me Fin and I ran upstairs to his class room. I knocked on his door.

“Okay Shane you help me by being a witness-,” I was cut off when the door opened.

“Oh hello Mr. Henry! I believe we have some bad new to tell you,” I started off in a British accent. I snickered in my mind as I had convince Mr. Henry I had a British accent, “Yes well we saw some people spray painting your car” I looked down so we wouldn’t see my mouth smiling.

Fin nodded agreeing with me. We had actually spray painted his car saying “WTF” right on his hood. Just as we expected Mr. Henry opened his window and stuck his head out. Down on the grounds there is this little part where you can’t see the people below and you can see the people above. That was where they were smashing eggs at his face.

His head came out and he had three eggs on his face, one on the side of his ear, and some egg shells on his head.

Fin and I mouths opened in what seemed to be horror, but actually we had practiced this so many times we got it nailed down. I held my nose.

“My god that smell is horrible,” I said in fake shock.

All of a sudden I grabbed my stomach as the pain hit me. It felt as if someone kicked a soccer ball right into my stomach and I couldn’t breathe. I dropped to the floor still clutching stomach. I realized what was happening.

“Skylar are you okay,” Fin screamed kneeling down. A tear trickled down my face as the pain was unbearable.

Fin picked me up as he ran to the nurse’s office.

“Fin stop. Please. It hurts when you run,” I grit my teeth trying not to cry.

He stopped. Not knowing what to do.

“Help me,” I whispered as the pain was killing me.

“Can you stand up for just a minute?” He asked in a hurry.

I nodded and he let go of me.

I tried to stand up straight, but my feet felt like giving in. I leaned on him. I was suffocating I couldn’t breathe. I collapsed trying to breathe, but it wasn’t working. If I could just ask for my inhaler.

“Oh sh*t,” Fin sat on the floor putting me on his lap as I leaned against him.


I was just losing air now, slowly sinking away.

“Oh my god,” I heard a small voice say.

I felt like I’d been punched in the stomach and I blacked out.

Fin’s P.O.V

I looked at Skylar. Her face was literally turning blue. All of a sudden the doors swung open as Stacy gasped and Dan said, “Oh my god”.

Shane looked white.

“Call the ambulance,” Shane said while shaking Skylar softly.

“Do you have her purse,” Shane asked.

I passed it to her not looking away from Skylar. What was happening?

“YOU FORGOT TO GIVE HER THE INHALER!” Shane screamed at me.

I winced at her tone she had never yelled at me like that before. Slowly the words came through my mind. Skylar had asthma.

“She was also holding her stomach,” I choked out.

“OMG WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL CALL ME SOONER!” She shook her face in anger.

“She forgot to take her pills,” Shane whispered.

Slowly the sound of the ambulance came and people rushed in. Shane and I hopped in the ambulance while Dan and Stacy took the car.

I sat down. My hands covering me face. This was my entire fault.

Shane’s P.O.V

I held Skylar’s hand. I felt like crying as I explained that Skylar had an unknown illness where she would get frequent stomach attacks and asthma. They were using an oxygen machine helping her breath. I just couldn’t believe she forgot to take her pills.

Fin and I stood shocked as one of the men told us she would have died if they weren’t there a minute longer.

She was a minute from dying. I let my tears spill as I couldn’t take it in. What would have happened if the ambulance wasn’t there?



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