Chapter 3: Stitches

52 6 11

Song: Stitches

By: Shawn Mendes

"Why are we at the airport?" I ask with a sigh as I rub my forehead and blink at the bright sun which attempts to blind me while my supposed best friend parks her truck in an extremely packed parking lot.

"I'm doing this for your future." Chloe tells me as she puts her hand over mine and stares at me with a serious look in her eyes. I raise an eyebrow at her before opening my door and jumping out, expecting Chloe to follow.

I shut the door behind me and turn to give her a confused look as I hear the doors lock. She smiles before rolling down the window about an inch in order for me to hear her as she asks, "I assume you have the heart key I gave you?" I nod and her smile widens as she rubs her hands mischievously.

"Good, I'm going to leave you here for thirty minutes. When I get back I expect your key to be on one of those planes heading to an unknown destination or I'm leaving you here." I feel my eyes widen in shock, knowing she'll do it.

"Wait! How am I supposed to get it on one of those planes? I don't even have a ticket and I sure ain't buying one." I shout at her and she stares at me for a few seconds, clearly thinking about this for a minute before smiling and shrugging.

I feel my jaw drop as she starts to pull out of the parking space and into the steady stream of cars. I attempt to follow her but she simply mouths 'thirty minutes' before speeding away. I stare at the disappearing truck as it pulls out onto the four lane before letting out a sigh and turning to look at the airport.

I stare up at it and flinch internally. The last time I was at an airport the plane almost left me because the stupid vending machine wouldn't take my money for a pack of peanut M&M's. Does anyone else have this problem or is it just me? I wonder as I make the quick journey to the entrance of the large building.

I walk in and look around nervously. I hate crowded places, I constantly feel like I'm about to be mugged or kidnapped. Of course if I was mugged, I'm broke, so they would be greatly disappointed in my empty pockets. Well, empty for everything except a heart key. Also, I doubt they would kidnap me. I'm not the best looking girl and I'm denser than I look. Not fat, but even the smaller glasses get heavier when they're full. This being said, I eat a lot, so I'm always full.

I walk through the terminal, looking at the different plane numbers, wondering which one to put my key on and how. Why me? Why do I have the weird friend? I wonder as I pull the key out of my pocket and hold it in front of my face. Who's to say that anyone will ever find this? How would Chloe ever be able to tell what happened to it in the first place? I contemplate throwing it on the ground and continuing on but then decide against it.

Knowing Chloe she'll have some weird tracking device on it that she's tracking on her phone at this moment. Yeah, my friend's weird, but she's thorough and I doubt she's overlook that detail. I sigh as I stare at the key for a moment longer before feeling a shove from behind that causes me to fall. flat. on. my. face.

I grunt in surprise and pain as I connect with the hard, cold floor and all of the wind in knocked from my lungs. I let out a loud groan before rolling on my back to see the picture of handsomeness standing above me. I'm just kidding he's an okay looking dude but I'm a little blinded by my pain at the moment.

"Hey, what'd you do that for?" I ask as I rub my face, pulling my hand back to reveal blood smeared across it. Sunglasses cover his eyes but I notice his eyebrows raise in surprise as he kneels down to help me to my feet. "I'm sorry but I'm in a rush to get to my plane. I like to board as soon as they allow us. I suppose I wasn't watching where I was going."

The man screams 'I'm a business man' from his expensive suit and tie to his designer shoes and golden watch. I almost gag from the amount of cologne he's wearing as he whips out a handkerchief before handing it to me for my poor little head.

"Is there anything I can do to help you before I leave?" He asks as he glances down at his sparkly watch before looking around in a rushed manner. I ponder for a moment about what he could possibly do for me when I notice my heart key lying on the ground between us.

I smile before motioning for him to wait and kneeling down to pick it up. I hold it out to him and he shoots me a look before taking it and inspecting it closely. "I don't know where your plane's going or if I'll ever see you again but I would greatly appreciate it if you would drop this key in a random place on the plane and make sure no one sees you drop it."

He stares at me and tilts his head in confusion as he looks between me and the key for a few minutes. "Um..... Okay I guess I could do that." I watch as he slips the key in the side pocket of his bag before nodding, his rushed manner back as he speed walks away.

I let out a sigh of relief as he disappears before rubbing my head with a small groan. Who knew that my friend's stupid mission would leave me injured? I wonder as I walk back towards the parking lot. I still have, like, twenty minutes but there's no use in getting myself lost while I wait for Chloe to get back.

I just hope she doesn't show back up with Logan. I don't need two people making fun of my battle wound. With the cut on my mind I veer off to the bathroom before walking inside and looking in the mirror. I frown at my appearance with a sigh.

Chloe had woken me up about an hour ago so I'm still in my plaid pajama pants and ratty T-shirt that I wear to sleep in. With my hair in a messy ponytail and blood running down my forehead I start thinking of what I must look like to the passengers that rush past me in the packed terminal.

Look at that girl. What'd she do? Sleepwalk to the airport and get hit in the head with one of the propellers. I giggle to myself at the thought and nearly scream when a guy appears in the mirror with a questioning look in his eyes.

"What are you doing in the girl's bathroom you..... you nasty minded pile of poo?!" I shout as him as I start randomly punching the hand dryer buttons in order to seem more intimidating. He stares at me for a moment before busting out in full blown laughter.

I watch as he collapses in his fit of hysteria, holding his stomach as tears stream down his face. I feel my face go red but I simply cross my arms and turn my nose up at him. "I don't see why you're laughing so hard. I'm not the one being caught going into the wrong bathroom." I point out, only to succeed in making him laugh even harder.

"But you are in the wrong bathroom." He gasps in between breaths as he attempts to regain his composure. I stare at him blankly before looking around, finally noticing the boy toilets and overwhelming stench of cologne. My face turns even redder as I look at him in horror.

What am I going to do?! I can't let anyone see me walk out of a boy's bathroom! The guy seems to sober up as he slowly stands back to his feet and I'm finally able to properly take in his appearance.

He's wearing a nice leather jacket with ripped jeans and a plain white shirt. His converses are muddy and I tilt my head at him. Aw, the poor boy is trying to pass as a bad boy. How cute. I mentally pinch his cheeks as I finally notice a small window positioned in between two of the urinals.

I look up at the window and then at the boy and then back to the window. A plan forms in my mind and a smile slowly comes onto my lips. The boy stares at me in confusion for a minute until he notices how my gaze moves him and my escape and his eyes widen in shock.

"There is no way I'm helping you climb through that window!"

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