Chapter Two

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His Royal Mate-

Chapter two-

Everette sat in his office with a foul look on his face, he wanted nothing more than to go back to his bedroom, close his curtains and sleep. He knew however that this was not an option, unfortunately.

In just over two hours he was flying to yet another city in the hopes if finding his queen. Although the thought of meeting her lightened Everette's mood, he still couldn't begin to comprehend why he had been shaken awake from his slumber at 6 o'clock that morning.

A maid had been sent to wake him, after it had been discovered that overdue paper work needed signing.

'Can't one of my advisors do this?' Everette thought to himself.

After being stuck on the same letter for twenty minuets, pondering how to reply to reports of treason, the forth that morning.

Everette's eyes started to feel heavier, and his breathing started to get slower until he finally fell into a pleasant slumber.


"Sir, I regretfully need to inform you that your plane leaves in just over an hour, and a letter had come through which needs your approval."

Everette's eyes twitched open, he brought his eyes up to his eyes and yawned.

"Can't it wait until I'm on the plane? I'd prefer to get some rest." Everette argued.

The advisor stumbled over his words before agreeing that the letter could wait, and Everette should concentrate on making sure he would not snap at the girls that he was going to meet. 


"Alex, can you go down to the centre and collect the food package for me?" Kiera Dunblane yelled down the stairs.

"Why can't you?" Alex was savouring every last second he had as a reasonably free human by spending his time locked away inside the house trying to forget about his letter that was due and Vincent.

"Incase you haven't noticed, your sister is ill, unfortunately I am not in a position to leave her side. Young man it's time you realise the world does not revolve around you, I've let you off too many times, if you act this was around any supernatural you'd be dead before you know it. It's time you start pulling your weight and helping me, now all I asked was that you grab the food package from the centre, so get out, now!" As Keira talked she waddled down the stairs, her pregnant stomach swollen, preventing her from walking normally.

In Alex's mind it was her latest pregnancy that was making her angry and irritable, however in reality it was down to Kiera realising that if Alex's behaviour didn't improve he wouldn't live past his first day working for the supernatural.

"Fine, what are we registered under?"

"473adf, don't get into any trouble."

Unfortunately Alex was always in some sort of trouble.


Everette sat on the plane, flicking trough the letters he had been given, they were always the same; tax rises, wages decreasing, humans protesting.

When would people realise he didn't care about their issues?  Everette spent money on employing people to do this type of work for him, why was he wasting his time completeing their jobs?

"Sir, I have a letter from a Mister Vincent Durant, it's about claiming a human." Jasper, one of Everette's most trusted advisors informed him.

"Since when have I dealt with this issue?"

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