Chapter Six

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His Royal Mate-

Chapter Six-

For the second time that week Alex found himself in the back of a black van, only with his crossed fingers helping him.

Once he had left the cell Alex was forced to sign a contract stating that he had been given a choice and that death was the out come. Alex didn't bother to read the rest of the contract, he was going to be killed, he didn't care about the aftermath.

Once again the van jolted as they hit a pot hole, groans of pain were heard from inside the van.

It became apparent to Alex that he was the healthiest person there, whilst all the other men were showered in bruises, cuts and broken limbs Alex had for some reason escaped the clutches of the guards with only a few light slaps. Maybe that was why all the other men despised him, or maybe it was the fact that his singing really was terrible.

Usually when time went quickly, it made Alex happy it meant work would finish and he could go home. However, now he couldn't help but hate the way it felt like he had only been in the van for two minutes, when in reality they had been traveling for around twenty minutes. Alex could taste the fear in the air.

Slowly the van turned off the main road before travelling on a gravel driveway up to a grand building.

The building was a light brown colour with large windows stretching from the top to the bottom of each floor, with intricate detailing below each window.

Alex knew this place, it was the city hall, at the back were doors leading straight into the city centre.

"Move it!" One of the guards screamed at the frightened men inside the van. One by one try tumbled out, trying desperately to grab on to the doors, to no success due to their tied hands.

Don't show your fear, they'll use it against you.

However much Alex wanted to obey his own advice, not showing your fear in a situation where all outcomes lead to an inevitable death, was easier said than done.


Out of all cities in the world, Everette found London the most beautiful, the cobbled streets, amazing architecture, and historical buildings made it a place that he always enjoyed visiting.

Everette couldn't wait to sit down in his VIP spot in the temporary seating that would be made up in the city centre.

All day Everette had been rushing around trying to get through the endless amount of women as quickly as possible, in order to allow his to attend the event.

Everette knew he would have to rise early the next day, to finish going through the rest of the girls in the city, however many thousands he tried to get through on the first day.

One of Everette's favourite hobbies was trying to make humans lives as miserable as possible, so he knew watching a public execution  would be extremely exciting.

It seemed the entirety of Britain also found humans suffering the best entertainment, as when he arrived every seat was full, except two seats in the VIP area. People were craning their heads, trying to see some of the action going on in the square before them.

Everette was slightly late, as he took his seat a body was already being carried off.

He say down, Jasper also took his seat. Unfortunately Jasper didn't share Everette's keen interest in making humans lives living hell, and instead found the way the super natural treated things like that as appalling.

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