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As they both walk into the hall full of lockers they are holding each other from arm to arm...they look down the glossy halls and walk down the hall to find a door in front of them that was labeled,"Counselor"...they open the door and both walk in immediately...A woman in her small little office chair is speaking on the phone...she looks at them still speaking on the phone and motions them to take a seat...they both sit down and she speaks on the phone for awhile...she hangs up and folds her arms together..."So what do you want?"she says...they both take out a sheet of paper and lay it on the desk...she examines them and grabs a stamp and stamps them both..."Go further down the hall and you will see a lady at the desk...she will give you both your schedules."she says in a monotone voice...they stand up and leave the office before they leave she says,"Welcome to Fenerson High"...they walk up to the desk at the end of the hall and they both receive their schedules...she has different classes then him...they both look disappointed but they embrace and go separate ways and head to their classes...she enters the classroom...the door creeks open which makes everyone turn their attention to the door..."How can I help you?"says a woman with white old hair..."This is my class"she lifts up her schedule and offers it to the teacher...the teacher takes it and exams the teacher examines it...the whole class is staring at her...but a certain face catches her attention...he is smiling and has cute curls in his hair...she blushes lightly and is broken from her daydream..."Maria! That's your name right?!"says the old lady..."Yes. That's me." the old woman gives her a disgusted look and says,"Sit next to Michael...Michael raise your hand!" A boy raises his hand and she ends up sitting near the boy she was blushing at earlier...they share one look and both smile and look away...He opens the door and looks around...all the students stare at him...A woman with a brown bun of hair looks at him..."Yes dear? How may I help you?" He shows her the schedule and she points at a chair and he heads for the chair...but then he continues walking all the way to the back and sits in the back...he puts his head down..."Uhm Troy?"the woman calls to him...he lifts up his head and she leaves his schedule on his desk...she continues teaching and he zones out...They both meet up at lunch and they eat together...Maria says,"So how is your classes?"He looks at her and eats a grape..."Fine how about yours?"he says..."Could be less nagging but its fine." They both smiles and Troy says,"We meet up her from now on."Maria nods and he smiles...the bell rings and they go separate ways...75% of Maria's classes has this cute guy from this morning...she tries her best to pay attention...but she always gets distracted by him...100% of Troy's classes he sits in the back...he pays attention and thinks about Maria and her safety the bell rings they both run to the house and the house is medieval but beautiful...the inside is clean and little entertaining things...mostly dusty books and Maria enters the home she rums into her room...Troy walks in and sits on the couch...Maria lays in bed thinking about the guy this morning and she just blushes and falls asleep...Troy sits up and walks to Maria's room..."Maria?"he sees her asleep and he lays a blanket on her and leaves her to sleep...he looks through the books and reads a very interesting news article...JACK THE RIPPER STRIKES AGAIN...4 PROSTITUTES DEAD 2 DECAPITATED AND THE OTHER TWO NEARLY DECAPITATED...He reads this and chuckles a bit..."Oh Jack...cutting off the head of whores...I hope I grow up to be just like you someday"...he closes the book and smiles...The sun shines and wakes up Maria...she wakes up slowly and gets up quickly and gets dressed in the best attire she has...she walk out her door and Troy whistles playfully..."Hey there fair lady." He says teasingly. She looks at him and grabs her stuff and leaves the house...he look at the door and says in a concerned voice,"I was joking." She reaches school grounds and looks for him before the bell can ring she finds him and she breathes quickly thinking of what to say...she shakes it off and walks up to him..."Hey what's your name?"she says nervously hoping that he didn't hear the difference...the boy looks at her and says,"Edward." He grabs his stuff and walks to class...she follows after him and blushes deeply...Troy is walking to his class...and he sits in the back like he usually does...the bell rings and he runs to the spot and waits for Maria...she is sitting with Edward on a bench and they both are laughing at the idea of horror movies...she smiles and he smiles...the bell rings and he gives her a piece of paper and he hugs her and she blushes like crazy...they go separate ways and smile as they walk off...Troy gets his stuff and walks to class...

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