2~ Do You Hear The People Sing?

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This story is based on after Enjolras and Grantaire have died, and they are all in the afterlife.
Grantaire's POV

Darkness. All around me. Suffocating, choking me.
Nothing is here. Nothing but darkness. I am all alone.
I'm laying on my back, and close my eyes, wanting this hell to end, when a bright light stands in front of me. I open an eye, annoyed, and when the light finally subsides, I see a mop of golden hair.
"Enjolras!", I scream, getting up, but he doesn't pay any attention to me. "Enjolras? It's me, Grantaire."
He turns around slowly, looking at me, but not quite.
He turns back around, and he shines again, but a softer white, not as obnoxious.
He falls to the floor, eyes closed.
"Enjolras! Apollo, wake up!", I yell, running up to hin, kneeling beside him.
I sit with him for hours, occasionally nudging him and calling his name. I eventually give up, getting up, and walking around, which is almost impossible because the blackness is enveloping us, making it difficult to breathe.
"Grantaire?", a weak voice calls out, and I turn around so fast, my hair whips in my face. But there he is, a soft white glow around him. "Grantaire?", he calls again, and I make my way to him.
"I'm sorry, I am so sorry. The way I treated you, the way I treated your dreams. I am so sorry", I sob. He looks at me in surprise, and I realize I have never cried in front of him before. I hug him, and we stay like that for what seems like an eternity, sitting on the black floor, hugging, and for the first time in my entire life, I feel free.
Enjolras' POV
Voices. Laughing. That's what I open my eyes to. I see Grantaire, still enveloping me in his warmth, and he's looking around as well, confused as much as I.
I get up slowly, pulling Grantaire up as well. The laughter continues as we make our way towards the sound.
"That sounds like... Joly?", Grantaire tells me, and I continue walking forward, realizing the same thing.
The dark, inky colour turns to ash gray, then eventually a white so blinding we turn our eyes away.
I hear footsteps, running towards us, then pulling us into a three way hug.
"Enjolras! Grantaire! You're here, just in time!", Joly says, still hugging us.
He turns away, and suddenly we're not in the boring room anymore, but we're now on top of the barricade. A clean baricade, free of blood and despair. The cafe Musian off in the distance, with lights that will never burn out. Combeferre, Courfeyrac, and Jehan are the ones to notice us next, and turns to the others.
"Everyone! Our leader is back!", Courfeyrac calls out, picking Gavroche up and setting him on his shoulders.
"Tomorrow did come", I whisper in Grantaire's ear, making him blush as I take hold of his hand, and walk over to the red flag that will never turn gray.

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