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"Samantha!" Elise shouted and hugged her.


"Where were you?" Elise asked in a worried tone. "I thought I was alone."

Samantha shook her head sadly. "I thought so too, but I'm glad that we're here together!"

"Have you found the others?" Elise asked.

"No. I can't seem to get out of this hall." Samantha said, looking at the door.

Elise took out her flashlight and took it out. She winked at Samantha and smiled. "At least I still have my flashlight."

"Yeah." Samantha said. "If one of us loses ours, we can share."

"I don't like this room. It's too dark and creepy." Elise said shuddering.

"It's a bit chilly in here, don't you think." Samantha asked. 

"Yeah. The windows won't budge. It's like they were locked on purpose." Elise said.

They looked around the room, beams of light flashing on objects that they were going to investigate. The found a desk that said Kill Me, and the rest of the desks were normal, except one. It was in the last row in the far left of the room. It was covered in dry blood.

"Do you think it's real?" Samantha asked, looking at Elise with nervous eyes.

"No." Elise said stepping next to the desk. "In fact," she said backing away. "I think it's a joke!"

She giggled slowly, before tripped over something.

"Elise! You got to be more careful!" Samantha exclaimed, laughing softly.

Elise did not respond.

"Elise?" Samantha asked, stepping towards the desk.

Samantha stepped closer and saw Elise laying on the ground, her eyes wide in shock. She was staring at a corpse. A real corpse

It looked as if it had been there for centuries, even though anyone would've noticed the corpse in the school. The bones were decaying and the jaws were hanging open. The clothes were ragged and nearly disappearing, but you can make out blue pants and a blue shirt. Worms and bugs were going in and out of the corpse's eyes.

Samantha's scream broke the silence of the pitch black room.

Elise quickly stood and grabbed her flashlight.

"Calm down." Elise whispered.

"How can you not be scared?" Samantha said, bursting into tears. "This is not a joke anymore. That's a real dead body."

"How can you be scared of that if you already seen one in the hall?" Elise asked. 

Samantha thought back to that horrid corpse that she saw in the hallway. It was also real. 

"What if Alex was right? What if we are going to be killed by that evil witch?" Samantha blurted out. She felt as if she was losing her mind.

"Listen to me." Elise said in a serious tone, her eyes locked on Samantha. "We are not going to die. I won't let that happen."

"Hey look there's a note." Samantha said, pointing at corpse. She had no reason to worry with Elise right by her side. She wiped away her tears and picked up the note that was besides the corpse.

"What does it say?" Elise said, peeking at it.

"We thought we were going to escape. We thought this was just a prank. We didn't know that witch will catch us. She did gruesome things to my friends, I can't even explain it. I don't think I deserved to die, but here I am. I'm bleeding to death by the blow she gave me. I don't think I'll make it long enough..." Samatha read aloud.

Elise and Samantha looked at each other. They looked at the corpse. They felt sympathy for the corpse. He or she had died for no reason, suffering in this eternal hell they were also in.

"Come on let's go." Elise said.

A hand grabbed her should and yanked her back.

"Elise!" Samantha shouted and looked at what was grabbing Elise.

To her horror, there stood a teenage boy, with no eyes and no mouth. They were filled with big empty holes. They stared blankly at Elise.

"Ah!" Elise shrieked.

"If I can't live, then neither can you." the ghost whispered.

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