The Last Heir Of Slytherin.

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"Davil!" Called his wife, "Would you mind watching the kids, while I go fetch the washing off the line." 

Davil sat up from his desk, put down the boe he was working on and went down stairs To his three daughters. 

As he came down he saw six year old Pauline running around with her magic crayons, Alice was trying to play wizard chess un successfully by herself, and Francis was hugging the cat Higgand so hard that he almost couldn't breath.

He scooped them all up and kissed them on the forehead, he then placed them down on the sofa chairs while getting snacks from the kitchen. The three children's favorite game to play with there father was wand mixer. He'd make three simply but elegant wands, and then lay the core out to them....each a devilish combination to create a hooligans wand, there job was to switch different bits of the core to make charming wands.

As he grabbed out the apple toffee biscuits, he looked out of the window to see his lovely wife Maily folding the crisp white blankets....her brown hair pulled back by clips, sometimes he had to search his wifes hair because sometime this wands cores got tangled in her hair by mistake. 

He turned around and flicked his wand to turn the kettle on, when a screetch sounded out from the yard. Davil pressed his nose to the glass, to see a dark green snake trying to wrap around his wife's ankle. 

He bolted out of the back door as Fast as he could, and trust it at the snakes revolting head. The spell hit it's target and the snake flung off his wife.

He carried her body inside and they pushed the door down as they bolted it shut. "What was that!?" Yelled his wife fearfuly. "Never mind that," he told her, "Get the kids while I quickly pack the bags....I fear someone setting an attack." 

His wife Maily nodded and ran into the living room to Alice, Pauline and Francis. He ran up the stair, and when reaching his room he flicked his wand and all of the draws were open. 

"Wingardium Leviosa." he said as he lifted pile after pile of clothes into his wife's magic 'Trunk' purse. 

Once he was done, he came down were his family was allready waiting by the door. 

"Come on, let's go." he said.

But at that very moment, his three daughters screamed as window glass shattered. A thud landed on the floor and everyone ran around the house for there lives as the snake came into view. 

They tried to stay as close together as they could, "Help me get to the kitchen." whispered Maily, "So I can stab that beast with my kitchen knife."

"No!" he told her, but she ignored him and started to run. She darted as the snake came sliding after her, but at the door of the kitchen she had become cornered. Maily struggled un successfully as it slid up her, and Davily yelled out as it reacher neck....and a loud snap could be heard. 

Davil made a stupid lung in revenge at the snake, but it's sharp tail came round and whipped him off his feet....his head knocked onto a chair and he suddenly felt dizzy.

The last thing he saw, was his three daughters calling out "Daddy!"  

And being cornered by the frightful snake. 


The rain was heavy as it drumbed hard through the court yard of Malfoy Manor. The Malfoy manor had been a great place to hide and plot, when Harry had escaped Lord Voldermort clutches at the triwizard tournament.  

Inside the house, a very important announcement was being held.

"My dear friends." Said Lord Voldermort, his voice echoed across the room and the high table. A fire crackled to the side as he spoke. "Tonight....let begin with the alitle mix up of bussines, and entertainment." He lifted up his hand and called out sofly "Nargini."

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